Kamis, 20 November 2014

OSCE: Ukraine Peace Outlook Is Bleak

Ukraine Peace Outlook Is Bleak: OSCE Official -- Reuters

(Reuters) - Prospects for peace in eastern Ukraine are "bleak", underscoring the need to uphold a shaky ceasefire between government forces and pro-Russian separatist rebels, a senior official from the OSCE security watchdog said on Thursday

Swiss diplomat Heidi Tagliavini, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's envoy to the Trilateral Contact Group that includes senior representatives from Ukraine and Russia, said there was no alternative to peace accords signed in Minsk in September, no matter how dire the situation.

"Whatever (their) shortcomings may be and wherever they may need to be supplemented, the (Minsk) documents are the door on the road to peace in eastern Ukraine, and they will continue to be so," she told a meeting of the 57-member OSCE in Vienna.

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My Comment: I do not envy the job that these OSCE observers have .... especially as more and more reports like this one start to come in .... OSCE: Monitors come under fire in east Ukraine (Deutsche Welle).

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