Kamis, 06 November 2014

Kim Jong-Un 'Photobombed By Soft Toys Having Sex'

Kim Jong-Un appears oblivious that two cuddly toys have been placed behind him in a compromising position

Kim Jong-Un 'Photobombed By Soft Toys Having Sex' While Visiting North Korean Orphanage -- Daily Mail

* Kim Jong-Un was photographed during a visit to a Pyongyang orphanage
* Two soft toys were placed in a compromising position during Kim's visit
* It was the first time Kim had been pictured walking unaided since September
* The dictator had been using a cane while recovering from ankle surgery
* Kim went missing for six weeks prompting claims that he had been deposed

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un has been photobombed by two soft toys while visiting an orphanage.

Kim seen oblivious as he leaned against a bed, that two soft toys had been placed in a compromising position on a wardrobe in the corner of the room.

The front toy had a satisfied smirk and a cheeky wink while its grey-and-white compatriot approached it from behind.

Read more ....

My Comment: You just cannot make this stuff up.

Update: A photo gallery of Kim Jung-Un and the military ....the link is here.

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