Politics Is Killing The Pentagon -- Mackenzie Eaglen, The Hill
As America returns to war in the Middle East, ramps up for new problems from Russia, battles Ebola in Africa and continues the “pivot” to Asia, the capacity of the U.S. military is once again front and center. But Washington is in denial about two major realities: The U.S. military’s technological edge is eroding, and politics is killing the Pentagon. All too soon, America won’t be able to take on this range of challenges. Indeed, it’s not even clear that we still can today.
At a recent Democratic Party event, President Obama boasted that, “American military superiority has never been greater compared to other countries.” But the opposite is true. Earlier this year, the Pentagon acquisition chief contradicted his boss: “Technological superiority is not assured, and we cannot be complacent about our posture. This is not a future problem; this is a ‘here now’ problem.”
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My Comment: It has always been about politics .... but the difference is that in the past threats and objectives were defined by the White House/Congress/foreign and national security specialists .... money then raised and the Pentagon told on what to do. Today .... the Pentagon is told what to do .... threats and objectives defined later (maybe) .... and the money is then raised (or not). This is what happens when there is no leadership .... no direction .... and everything is being done on a fly .... and made worse from a world that is rapidly becoming multipolar with deeply divided regional differences and conflicts.
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