Selasa, 18 November 2014

Is 'Object 2014-28E' A Russian Satellite Killer? (Updated)

An artist’s conception of a Soviet anti-satellite weapon destroying a satellite in 1984. (Defense Department Photo)

Unusual Russian Orbiter Has Stargazers Wondering: Is It A Satellite Killer? -- Fred Weir, CSM

Object 2014-28E, a Russian satellite, has been scooting across the skies in an odd fashion – and stirring speculation that Russia has reignited its space-weapons program.

Moscow — Is it just a piece of space junk, or an orbital predator?

That is the question many amateur astronomers and, no doubt, military professionals are asking themselves as they track an odd space vehicle, known as Object 2014-28E, as it appears to maneuver among other satellites. Some suggest it could be the reincarnation of the top-secret Soviet-era "Istrebitel Sputnikov" satellite killer program, which was shelved when the USSR collapsed more than two decades ago.

The object, launched last May in a cluster with several other Russian satellites, was originally classified as space debris. But then it started moving around in ways uncharacteristic for inert trash, and it rang alarm bells last weekend when it appeared to rendezvous with a piece of the rocket that originally launched it.

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Previous Post: Is Russia's Anti-Satellite Weapons Program Back In Business?

More News On Reports That Russia Has Launched A "Satellite Killer"

A mysterious Russian space object could be the return of the ‘satellite killer’ -- Washington Post
Object 2014-28E—Space junk or Russian satellite killer? -- CNBC/Financial Times
Russia Launches Mysterious Satellite -- The Independent
Russian space object raises concerns in West -- Irish Times
Is Russia flying a satellite killer around space? Unidentified Russian satellite prompts space weapon worries --
Has Russia launched a top secret satellite killer? Amateur observers speculate on mysterious 'Object 2014-28E' in orbit -- Daily Mail
Fears Russia Has Launched Satellite-Destroying Mission Ignited Over Mystery Object 2014-28E -- IBTimes
Russia’s Mysterious Satellite Fuels Speculation -- Polly Mosendz, Newsweek
What is Object 2014-28E – a Russian military satellite or a piece of unidentified debris? -- The Guardian
In the Sky, the Sign of a New Cold War? -- Emily Greenhouse, Bloomberg
Russia tests 'satellite catcher' -- Paul Rincon, BBC

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