Senin, 17 November 2014

Did The Saudi Royal Family Finance The 9/11 Plot?

Response: The Saudi Arabian government said it had nothing whatsoever to do with the September 11 attacks

'Saudi Prince Paid For 9/11 Pilots To Learn To Fly': Incredible Claims Of '20th Hijacker' Serving Life In Prison For Terrorism As He Asks To Testify Again In Court And Reveal All -- Daily Mail

* Zacarias Moussaoui, 46, filed court documents claiming Saudis funded 9/11
* He said an unnamed prince paid for him and 19 hijackers to learn to fly
* Moussaoui was given life sentence in 2006 after admitting terror charges
* Government lawyers interviewed him and said he had 'relevant' material
* Saudi government has flatly denied all involvement in 9/11
* Experts cast doubt on Moussaoui's credibility, as he is erratic in court

A jihadist serving life in prison on terror charges brought in the wake of 9/11 has claimed the Saudi Arabian royal family helped finance the plot.

Zacarias Moussaoui, 46, says an unnamed Saudi Prince paid for flying lessons for him and the 19 terrorists who hijacked planes in the September 11 attacks in the run-up to the atrocities.

The incredible claims were made in documents filed to a federal court in Oklahoma, in which Moussaoui says a prince 'was assisting me in my Islamic terrorist activities... and was doing so knowingly for Osama bin Laden'.

Read more ....

My Comment: 13 years later .... and questions are stillbeing raised. Unfortunately .... the answers will not be coming from Zacarias Moussaoui who proved more than once during his trial of being an unreliable witness.

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