Kamis, 06 November 2014

Civil War Hero Receives His Medal Of Honor 151 Years Later

1st Lt. Alonzo Cushing (center, back row) with other officers at Antietam, Maryland, in 1862. He died at Gettysburg in July 1863.

151 Years Later, Medal of Honor For Alonzo Cushing, Civil War Hero -- CNN

(CNN) -- "Faithful unto death."

Those words on the West Point headstone of 1st Lt. Alonzo H. Cushing succinctly enshrine the determination of the man who helped turn the tide at Gettysburg during the Civil War.

Despite two severe wounds, Cushing, 22, stayed at his post and directed artillery fire upon hordes of Confederates charging the center of the Union line at Cemetery Ridge -- a doomed assault known as Pickett's Charge. A bullet to the head finally felled the young officer.

More than 151 years after his stand, Cushing will receive the Medal of Honor posthumously in a White House ceremony on Thursday.

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More News On Civil War Hero Receiving His Medal Of Honor 151 Years Later

Civil War officer receives Medal of Honor from President Obama -- FOX News/AP
Obama awards officer Medal of Honor for Civil War heroism -- Reuters
Obama Awards Civil War Medal of Honor -- ABC News
Obama awards Medal of Honor to Civil War hero -- CBS News
151 years after death at Gettysburg, soldier finally gets Medal of Honor -- Stars and Stripes
Medal of Honor to be awarded to Gettsyburg hero 151 years after American civil war -- The Guardian
President Obama grants Medal of Honor to Civil War hero -- BBC
A Civil War soldier is getting the Medal of Honor. This 94-year-old woman is responsible. -- Washington Post
Medal of Honor, 151 years delayed, an echo of family's Thanksgiving Day tales -- Anna Mulrine, CSM
Why a Civil War soldier will get the Medal of Honor — 151 years after his death -- Washington Post

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