Kamis, 20 November 2014

A Look At The Drone War In Pakistan

Supporters of Pakistan's Islamist party Pasban hold placards as they shout anti-American slogans during a protest in Karachi October 23, 2013, against US drone attacks in the Pakistani tribal region. (Reuters/Athar Hussain)

The Unblinking Stare -- Steve Coll, New Yorker

The drone war in Pakistan.

At the Pearl Continental Hotel, in Peshawar, a concrete tower enveloped by flowering gardens, the management has adopted security precautions that have become common in Pakistan’s upscale hospitality industry: razor wire, vehicle barricades, and police crouching in bunkers, fingering machine guns. In June, on a hot weekday morning, Noor Behram arrived at the gate carrying a white plastic shopping bag full of photographs. He had a four-inch black beard and wore a blue shalwar kameez and a flat Chitrali hat. He met me in the lobby. We sat down, and Behram spilled his photos onto a table. Some of the prints were curled and faded. For the past seven years, he said, he has driven around North Waziristan on a small red Honda motorcycle, visiting the sites of American drone missile strikes as soon after an attack as possible.

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My Comment: A long and comprehensive analysis on the U.S. drone war against Taliban And Al Qaeda militants in Pakistan, and its impact on the civilian populations. A must read for those who follow America's drone wars.

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