Rabu, 05 September 2012

The State Of The World: Captured In One Day Of News

Just take a look at the various news from around the world and stop to reflect on how far we have fallen - collectively - and it is stunning.

First up is Hal's latest and it is a good one, definitely worth watching:

More conflicting information from the Middle East:

Barack Obama cares about Barack Obama far more than he does about either Israel or Iran. And as far as Barack Obama is concerned, delaying the coming war between Israel and Iran until after the election is what is best for Barack Obama. Just think about it. If Israel attacked Iran right now, who would that please? It would mostly please hardcore Republicans, and they are not going to vote for Obama anyway. To independents and liberals, Obama would look like a guy that couldn't stop war from happening in the Middle East. If the U.S. showed support for the Israeli attack, that would greatly discourage his anti-war supporters from going to the polls.

A war between Israel and Iran is a no-win situation for Obama right now, and as I wrote about yesterday, the Obama administration has been trying to discourage Israel from attacking Iran for weeks. Well, now it is being reported in major international news sources that a deal has been reached between Obama and Israel.

Obama is going to publicly declare what the "red lines" are that will cause the U.S. to strike Iran's nuclear program, and the U.S. military is going to send some of their most advanced bunker busting bombs to Israel. Those bombs will come in very handy in getting at the Iranian nuclear facilities that are hidden underground. In return, Israel has apparently agreed to delay the attack on Iran until after the election. So would Barack Obama really play politics with war in the Middle East? Of course he would.

According to the Telegraph, Barack Obama will shortly announce the "red lines" that would cause the U.S. to launch a military strike against Iran.

But of course none of those "red lines" will be crossed until after the election in November.

So why aren't we hearing about this deal between Obama and Israel in the U.S. media?

Well, it is because the U.S. media is so busy covering all of the other important news items of the day. Just check out some of the headlines that I pulled off of major U.S. news websites earlier today....

"Katie Couric's new talk show digs a little deeper"

"Michelle Obama on how she'll pick DNC dress"

"When exercise equipment lies"

"Kelly Ripa reveals new 'Live!' co-host"

"Heidi and Seal Top Hollywood's Nastiest Divorces"

"Ready for iPhone 5? Apple is"

"Prince Harry steps out for first time since scandal"

In America, the media tells us what the news is going to be, and the American people accept it. The media is dominated by just a handful of incredibly powerful corporate conglomerates, so the news is actually not that hard to control.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu surprisingly canceled a meeting of the security cabinet Wednesday morning after details from a meeting of the same forum on Tuesday night were leaked to the press.

Tuesday’s seven-hour session dealt mainly with the Iranian threat, and featured briefings by the Mossad, Shin Bet security service and IDF Military Intelligence, according to Yedioth Ahronoth. Cabinet members were reportedly amazed to hear conflicting assessments from the various intelligence chiefs on Iran’s nuclear program. “There is an absence of agreement in Israel concerning the point at which an Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear facilities would no longer be effective,” the paper reported.

The security cabinet is a forum in which senior government ministers discuss vital security questions. It has 14 member ministers plus four observers with no voting rights. The list of ministers present at Tuesday’s meeting is confidential and not being released to the press.

A government official, who asked to remain anonymous, stressed that Netanyahu canceled only the single security cabinet meeting planned for Wednesday, and denied earlier reports that he had decided to dissolve the entire forum. “The security cabinet will continue to meet, hopefully without leaks,” he said.
“The security of this country and its citizens depends on the capacity to conduct secret in-depth discussion within the national security cabinet,” Netanyahu said in a statement released by his. “It’s there that all the facts, opinions and ramifications are being presented. It’s the basic instrument to manage our national security.”

Terrorists slightly changed their mode of attack in August, coming at Israelfrom the Sinai Peninsula rather than Gaza, the Shin Bet reported Wednesday. Twenty-one attacks were launched from Gaza in August, compared to 28 in July.

Two attacks originated in Sinai, one of them a major infiltration attempt in which terrorists killed 16 Egyptian soldiers and commandeered two APCs, which they used to try to enterIsrael.

Iran makes no distinction between US and Israeli interests and will retaliate against both countries if attacked, an Iranian military commander said on Wednesday.

The comments came after the White House denied an Israeli news report that it was negotiating with Tehran to keep out of a future Israel-Iran war and as US President Barack Obama fends off accusations from his election rival that he is too soft on Tehran.

"On this basis, today only the Americans have taken a threatening stance towards the Islamic Republic," Fadavi said. "If the Americans commit the smallest folly they will not leave the region safely.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is taking Hizbullah threats seriously and has ordered the IDF to protect energy facilities, some of which were targeted by the terrorist organization in Second Lebanon War, according to Globes.

Sources told the business newspaper that the Prime Minister told the Home Front division of the IDF to map out a program how to protect strategic facilities, one day after Hizbullah terrorist leader Hassan Nasrallah said his missiles would aim for power stations in the event of war.

The Russian economy is prepared for a possible economic meltdown as a result of the slowing of global growth and the escalating eurozone debt crisis, President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday.

At a meeting with regional ombudsmen, Putin said the situation was complex both in the European and global economies.

'Now news is coming that China’s economic development rates have slightly slowed and declined and China is one of the world’s largest consumers. These are, no doubt, alarming signals. Let us hope that these concerns do not transform into a full-blown crisis,” Putin said. “Let us hope for the better but prepare for the worse,” Putin added.


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