Selasa, 25 September 2012

Jordan On The Brink

Today may be one of the most significant, prophetically related news days in quite a while, and that is certainly saying a lot. 

This first article really deserves a separate posting as it could be the most significant news in a long time (hard to imagine that isn't it?). This is significant because Jordan is the last "surrounding" (aka "inner circle") country who isn't actively seeking Israel's destruction. That is about to change, either through pressure on the existing political structure, or a regime change. It appears that Jordan has finally gotten caught up in the so-called "Arab Spring":

Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood has given King Abdullah II notice that he has until October to bow to their demand to transform the Hashemite Kingdom into a constitutional monarchy or face Arab Spring street pressure for his abdication.
Israeli and Saudi intelligence watchers are becoming increasingly concerned about the approaching climax of the conflict in Amman between Islamists and the throne .

For Israel, an upheaval in Jordan bodes the tightening of the Islamist noose around its borders – Egypt and Libya to the south and Syria to the north, with unpredictable consequences with regard to Jordan’s Palestinian population.

Saudi Arabia, already threatened by Iranian aggression, fears the oil kingdom may be next in line if its northern neighbor is crushed under the marching feet of the “Arab Spring.”The oil kingdom’s royal rulers are reported to have belatedly woken up to the peril and are in a panic. They realize that their preoccupation with helping Syrian rebels overthrow Bashar Assad misdirected their attention from the enemies lurking at their own door. Thousands of articles in the Arab press in the past year have predicted that after the Muslim Brotherhood seizes power in Damascus, Amman would be next in its sights followed by Riyadh.

So, what are the options?

1.  He could bow to the main Muslim Brotherhood’s demand by submitting to the kingdom’s transition to a constitutional monarchy and the transfer of executive power to an MB-led government by means of the electoral reforms for which the Brothers have been pushing for years. In Jordan as in Egypt, the Brothers hope for a two-third majority in a free election.
2.  He could stand up to the Brotherhood’s demands and order his security, intelligence and military forces to crack down on the opposition. This course carries the risk of plunging Jordan into the carnage of civil war among the diverse segments of the population. The biggest dangers come from the Bedouin tribes, whose traditional allegiance to the Hashemite throne has weakened in recent years, and the Palestinians who form 60 percent of the population.
3. He could seek to negotiate a compromise through various brokers. Our sources report that several attempts at mediation have been ventured of late, but got nowhere because the Muslim Brotherhood sent its most radical leaders to the table and they left very little margin for compromise.

According to sources at the royal court, Abdullah will very soon meet with MB leaders for a personal appeal for calm after years of heated debate. Most observers believe that he has left it too late and by now the Muslim Brotherhood has got the bit between its teeth.Indeed, according to an internal memorandum leaked to the Al-Hayat newspaper, the MB has already set a date for mass demonstrations against the King to start on Oct. 10 and ordered its members to go to work at once to mobilize at least 50,000 demonstrators for daily protests against the king and the royal family until he bows to their will.

This evolving situation is worth watching very very closely as it potentially represents a huge development in the Middle East. 

Now we quickly turn to the revived Roman Empire of the last days and see further prophetically related developments:

Today MEP (Member European Parliament) Nigel Farage warned King World News that “We are now entering the end game.”   Farage also cautioned “We are storing up these huge problems for our children and grandchildren.”  Farage also discussed gold, but first, here is what he had to say about the ongoing crisis:  “What is really happening here is the eurozone crisis is so serious, and so dire, public opinion across Europe is turning so quickly in every country against the project, that what they are trying to do is seal and complete the project before everybody really wakes up to what’s being done in their name.”

“That’s what they are about.  We are now entering the end game in what has been a 50 year political project.  This is all going to come to a very dramatic head over the course of the next two years....

When Nigel Farage speaks we should pay attention: He is one of the very few politicians world-wide who is speaking the truth and his voice reveals just how close we are to the Tribulation:

“The end game for them is to effectively abolish the nation states of Europe, to completely abolish any concept of national democracy, and to vest all power, all the attributes we associate with normal countries, that is all to be vested in this new European political class.
That imperial ambition has been there from the start, but up until now it has been hidden.  I have to say that as far as most of Europe is concerned,  I am quite pessimistic.  Despite the fact that we have these democratic rebellions taking place in the North, in so much of Europe the current status quo has the whip hand and is in control.  For most of Europe they will continue with this insane project, but there are countries that will free themselves from it.

The information above was just a small portion of this extraordinary interview with Farage.  He discussed the fragile banking system, the end game, gold, what type of chaos to expect going forward and much more.  The KWN audio interview with Nigel Farage is available now and you can listen to it by CLICKING HERE.

The news below is equally important today, for a variety of reasons. If you recall, a couple of years ago Russia went into Georgia, militarily, and gained control of part of that land. At the time, it was noteworthy because as we know from Ezekiel 38-39, the Russian led coalition will enter Israel from the far north and to do so, there needs to be a "land corridor". Seizing this corridor would require occupation of a land strip through Georgia. 

Now this scenario is back in the news:

 It could be déjà vu all over again – as a Russian-led security group is in the process of holding a series of military exercises for the first time in the South Caucasus in what may be a prelude to a military attack on the former Soviet republic of Georgia, next door

Russia has on the calendar a series of military exercises this month and next in cooperation with the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization, or CSTO. The largest, called Kavkaz-2012, was held in Russia’s South Military District in southern Russia.

It was significant since it drew the attention of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which has been in the process of conducting its own military exercises in Georgia reflecting scenarios that affect critical infrastructure.Nevertheless, the fact that NATO is conducting a military exercise in the Republic of Georgia has raised concerns with neighboring Russia.

Russia’s reaction and the fact that it’s conducting military exercises of its own are of particular concern to Georgia, which was the subject of a Russian invasion in August 2008 following a similar annual military exercise.
Georgia is in the South Caucasus and has continued to block a land corridor that the Russians need to reach their sole base in Armenia, where they intend to hold another CSTO military exercise.

The military exercise in Armenia also is significant, since it is the first CSTO exercise involving the countries of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan in the South Caucasus. Like NATO, the CSTO members are obliged to respond to any threat to its members.

Already, Georgian officials are sounding the alarm.
The Georgian Foreign Ministry claims that Russia is positioning large numbers of troops and military equipment in the Georgian breakaway provinces of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
The amassing of troops comes as Georgia prepares to hold parliamentary elections on Oct. 1.

Also in the news:

And last but certainly not least, we have Hal Lindsey's latest video update and it is well worth watching:

Is it just me, or do you also sit back and view the news and just shake your head at just how fast we are moving towards the very last days as foretold by God's prophets? 

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