Minggu, 16 September 2012

A World On The Verge Of War?

It is always interesting to see a non-prophecy related source write about things we have been expecting and watching for years. This one comes from zerohedge:

A World In The Verge Of War?

Here is a summary of where the world stands:

So while in reality any war, supposedly one which is "regional" and "contained" will merely be a smokescreen to the central banks officially taking over ownership of the insolvent developed world, the likelihood is that a war will neither be "regional" nor "contained" as both countries that make up the axis of a future hard-backed currency, China and Russia, have already made it quite clear that any intervention by the US in regions they themselves consider strategic, such as the Senkaku Islands, Syria and/or Iran, will result in retaliation.

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