Sabtu, 22 September 2012

"When You See These Things Happening"

Jesus knew we would still be on this planet during the generational signs that He outlined in His "Olivet Discourse" (Matthew 24/25, Mark 13, Luke 21), the signs that the prophet Daniel provided (Daniel 2, 7, 9, 12), Ezekiel (Ezekiel 36-39), Zechariah (Zechariah 12, 14), Isaiah 17, Psalm 83, and of course the book of Revelation, just to name a few such end times prophetically related scriptural signs. 

Signs which point to this era of massive, unprecedented increases in travel and knowledge, the opening of the end times prophetic scrolls, the rapid and alarming increases in earthquakes, warfare, famine, pestilence, persecution, the alignment of the revived Roman Empire and its movements towards unabated centralized power and control, the regathering of the Nation of Israel, miraculously,  "in a day", the gathering of the Gog-MaGog coalition who will invade Israel, the Syrian instability in the face of possession of chemical warheads, the development of the "Arab Spring" which has ushered in radical Islamic rule with Israel's most threatening enemies, the Iranian nuclear developments and their threats to destroy Israel, the imminent collapse of the American economy (and the world economy) and removal as the world's super-power, serious discussions about a centralized world-wide banking system and central currency, the increasing threats from Russia, and the world sits just on the brink...of something.

What that "something" is, is anybody's guess. We prophecy watchers know that "something" is ultimately the Tribulation, but how soon that arrives is the big question. 

We know we'll be 'gathered up' before the Tribulation (Revelation 3:10, 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 5:1-9, Revelation 4, 5, 6-18, 19, etc.) but what we will have to endure in that interval prior to the Tribulation is anyone's guess.

In addition to the above, many of us feel that we may well be gathered up prior to the epic battle of "Gog-MaGog" as described in Ezekiel 38-39. Unlike making the case for the pre-tribulation Rapture of the Church (which is entirely scriptural based), such a case cannot be scripturally confirmed. There are several reasons for holding such belief, including the fact that God reveals Himself to the entire world at the time of this battle (for Israel's survival) as described in Ezekiel 38:23, 39:21-23. God hasn't done anything like this - especially in such an overt manner - thus far in the Church Age. We also know that we believe "by faith not by sight" during this age, and God's revealing of Himself in such a dramatic public way seems highly inconsistent with the concept of believing by faith (not by sight). For this reason alone it seems unlikely that the Christ's bride is here for the Ezekiel 38-39 scenario. Additionally, it is clear from these scriptures that God is in the process of finishing the last 7 years of Israel's alloted time as described in Daniel 9. That clock re-starts for the last 7 years (aka "The Tribulation") when the antichrist confirms the long awaited Middle East "covenant". 

So what has any of this to do with today's message?

We are rapidly approaching the very last days. Literally. The world is on the verge of becoming a very very different place - a place identical with what is described in Revelation 6-18, where we get a detailed view of what the world will look like during the Tribulation. 

This is a scary time, especially if you are paying attention to the news and watching the various events from around the world. It is easy to get consumed in what is very disconcerting and at times, alarming as we see a very ominous future. 

It is my belief that Jesus, in His infinite love and mercy - especially when directed towards His beloved Bride - gave us key information for our use in these last days. He knew we would be here to see these growing signs, and He wanted us to be prepared. But what does that mean to be prepared? We'll come back to that thought, but first let's look at His primary instructions:

"When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." 
(Luke 21:28). 

"Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near." (Luke 21:31)

Why did Jesus say these things? After all, He doesn't say things just for the sake of talking - He had a purpose with every word spoken in the scriptures. Clearly He knew we would be around to see the very ominous signs that we see every day - especially those who are paying attention to the prophetically related news. He wants us to know that His coming is "drawing near". He wasn't playing games with this - when He says something its a rock-solid guarantee - and we can take this information at face value. 

His coming is near. Period. No further discussion needed. Otherwise He wouldn't have made such a declaration - He is good for His promises. 

And with that information - that His coming is near - what are we to do?

"...lift your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."

He isn't saying to focus solely on the signs (although He most definitely wants us watching the signs, just read the last several verses in Mark 13 for that) but He also wants us watching for His coming. "Lifting our heads" in great anticipation for that very moment - that moment when we come face to face with Him - in His very presence. 

That idea - that event - that moment when we are literally in the presence of Jesus Himself - should be our primary focus, and preparing for that on a daily basis. Everything else - the signs that we watch, the events on this earth, the movements we see towards a draconian police state, etc., all should pale in comparison for what awaits us in the near future. In short, nothing else really matters. 

So how do we prepare?

With the backdrop of what we just saw (Luke 21:28-31) and looking for Jesus, we are told to be prepared and the parables found in Matthew 24/25 give us the necessary information.

The first message, as seen in Matthew 24:42, was followed by a descriptive parable involving the home owner who was told to keep watch in order to avoid being broken into. The key passages from this are seen:

"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come" 
(Matthew 24:42)

This one is easy. Jesus tells us to keep constant watch. This is often mis-interpreted to mean "hey, the Bible says we can't know when, so why bother to watch?". Actually it is just the opposite. We are told that we cannot know the specific day, but we are to know the season. It is because we can't know the exact day that we must keep constant "watch". After all, if we knew the exact day, we wouldn't have to watch at all, and that would be contrary to a vast array of scriptures. 

Then we turn to the parable of the 10 virgins, arguably the most disagreed upon parable in the entire Bible. But there is one point that everyone agrees with, and it is the only point that really matters:

"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the hour".
(Matthew 25:13)

We also see another idea added in this parable, and that is to be prepared. 

"The wise, however, took oil in their jars along with their lamps"
(Matthew 25:4)

In other words, they were prepared. 

And ready:

"The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet."
(Matthew 25:10)

So we begin to see three main themes arise from the parables: Be ready, be prepared and be watching

For what? 

Remember - we have a wedding coming up. 

Recall this summary of the scriptural passages defining Jesus' Church as the Bride of Christ: "The Wedding Approaches". How does any bride prepare for a wedding?

We should be consumed with Christ's love for us, and what He did for us on the cross. The enormous, almost unthinkable sacrifice that He paid for our salvation. We should be awaiting our meeting with Him with unabated joy and enthusiasm. We should be in constant prayer. We should be constantly thinking about Him, wanting to please Him, wanting to spread the gospel message of His offer of salvation, wanting and desiring to be in His presence - above all else

The signs are there for one primary reason - they tell us that His coming is "drawing near". The signs weren't given for us to live in fear. The signs were given in order to allow us an opportunity to prepare for His coming. Period. 

That is profound. In fact, relative to all of the fascinating and ominous signs that are discussed daily and watched - all of that should pale in comparison with the incredibly profound and dramatic message that we will be in His presence soon. 

It doesn't get any bigger than that. 

To be in the very presence of Jesus. 

It is coming soon. He said so. We can be ready for that moment. As the apostle John informed us, we have an epic celebration that also awaits us:

"Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting:

for our Lord God Almighty reigns.

Let us rejoice and be glad
and give him glory!

For the wedding of the Lamb has come
and the bride has made herself ready...'

Then the angel said to me, 
Write: 'Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!'"
(Revelation 19:6-9)

What a glorious day awaits us. As the world continues a rapid descent into total darkness, we will be in Paradise with Jesus and with each other. This is what we are instructed to watch for and this is to be our focus. 


He is coming soon!

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