Minggu, 09 September 2012

Sunday Headlines:

Iran Threatens To Bring War To U.S. Shores

The deputy chief commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards warned this past week that any aggression against Iran will expand warfare onto the turf of its enemies.

“Our nation is ready to rub the enemies’ snout into dust and send thousands of coffins to their cities,” Gen. Hossein Salami told Fars News Agency.

“Any aggression against Iran will expand the war into the borders of the enemies,” he warned. “They know our power, and we won’t allow any aggression against our land.”

The general cited two reasons for what he called the greatness of the Islamic regime: “One is that the supreme leader, who is the deputy of the Hidden Imam [the Shiites' 12th Imam], rules with power, knowledge, penetrating the hearts; the other is the martyrs who shed their blood for the greatness of the country... he warned that America and the European countries should expect major attacks by al-Qaida and other terrorist groups in their homelands.

As reported earlier this year, terror cells have been placed on high alert to attack targets in the U.S. and Europe should Iran be attacked. Hundreds of terror cells have infiltrated America and, in collaboration with Hezbollah, are awaiting orders to strike American targets.

“The Quds Force has established a command and control center in both Bolivia and Venezuela,” a former Iranian official with knowledge of the regime’s terror network recently revealed. “Though it has presence in Europe and other parts of the world, it has focused on Latin America. Thousands of such cells have been placed in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Venezuela.”

Another senior commander of the Islamic regime, Gen. Masoud Jazayeri, recently warned America, “In the face of any attack, we will have a crushing response. In that case, we will not only act in the boundaries of the Middle East and the Persian Gulf; no place in America will be safe from our attacks.”

"A nuclear-armed Iran would not only pose a threat to Israel but to the stability of the entire region. A nuclear-armed Iran is not an option," he said.

He said that Germany would maintain sanctions and diplomatic pressure on Iran, adding that there was still room for diplomacy. "We urgently call on Iran to enter into substantial negotiations," he said.

Israel might attack Iran by using electromagnetic impulses (EMP) that could cripple the country by shutting down its electronics and sending the Islamic Republic “back to the Stone Age,” The London Sunday Timesreported.

EMP causes non-lethal gamma energy to react with the magnetic field and produces a powerful electromagnetic shock wave that can destroy electronic devices, especially those used in Iran’s nuclear plants.

The shock wave would knock out Iran’s power grid and communications systems for transport and financial services, leading to economic collapse.

The idea previously was published by Dr. Joe Tuzara in Arutz Sheva. A former clinical research-physician-general surgeon for Saudi Arabian, Philippine and American healthcare systems, he wrote, “The wild card is in Israel’s hand - with Electronic Magnetic Pulse (EMP) inscribed on it. If Israel chooses one of its Jericho III missiles to detonate a single EMP warhead at high altitude over north central Iran, there will be with no blast or radiation effects on the ground.”

He explained that one effect of the EMP attack would be that, “Iran’s uranium enrichment centrifuges in Fordo, Natanz and widely scattered elsewhere, would freeze for decades.”

The WorldNetDaily reported three weeks ago, “Israelis have not ruled out a Jericho III missile launch to detonate a single electromagnetic pulse warhead at high altitude over central Iran."

Where is the MSM on this story?

Tens of thousands of students sat home on Sunday again, due to missile attacks on southern Israel, fired by Palestinian Authority terrorists from Gaza.

Among the cities canceling classes were the port city of Ashdod, and the “capital of the Negev,” the city of Be'er Sheva, where rocket attacks over the weekend prompted officials to decide the children in their municipalities were "better safe than sorry" in cities where most schools did not contain full-scale shelters.

Christians may have to sacrifice their jobs if they want to express their religion at work, government lawyers declared yesterday.

They urged human rights judges in Strasbourg to reject a landmark case brought by four Christians who said they suffered faith-based discrimination.

The state lawyers insisted workers are not entitled to wear a crucifix at work against the wishes of their employers – and if that is incompatible with their faith they ‘are free to resign’.

But in a confrontation at the court yesterday, the Christians’ counsel said it was wrong they should have fewer rights than other faith groups just because they had a ‘tolerant’ religion.

The hearing at the European Court of Human Rights involved four test cases, two of which involve employees prevented from wearing a cross at work. Nadia Eweida’s row with British Airways led the airline to back down in 2006 and Shirley Chaplin who – after 30 years as a nurse – was told she could no longer wear her cross on duty for health and safety reasons.

The other two cases are those of Lilian Ladele, who was sacked as a registrar by Islington council because she declined to conduct civil partnerships and Gary McFarlane, a Relate counsellor who lost his job in Bristol after admitting to bosses that he felt unable to give sex therapy to gays.

The case comes at a time when senior Christian leaders, including the archbishops of the Church of England and the Pope, have complained that Christianity is being pushed out of public life in Britain.

Colin is a committed Christian. He is also the electrician from Wakefield who has been in the news all week for refusing to remove a small palm cross (the sort given out in church on Palm Sunday) from his company transit van.

He had been banned from displaying the cross — which, for the past 15 years, he had Blu-Tacked to his dashboard and removed whenever he wasn’t using the van — because his employer, Wakefield and District Housing (WDH), thought ‘it might offend people or suggest the organisation is Christian’.

On refusing their request not to display it, Colin was banished to a different work depot pending a full disciplinary hearing for ‘gross misconduct’ and threatened with losing his £26,000-a-year job.

For example, there would have been no problem if an employee wanted to wear a turban, a veil or burka to work. Indeed, according to the company’s fantastically zealous equality and diversity manager Jayne O’Connell, WDH would have been delighted to provide material in the official corporate colours for a different style of uniform — such as a burka — if required.

And the company clearly has no problem with Marxism: Denis Doody, WDH’s environmental manager, has a huge poster of Argentine revolutionary Che Guevara stuck to his office wall.

In many ways, in fact, WDH prides itself on its tolerance and equality. It sponsors ‘diversity days’ for the Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Group, provides stalls at gay pride events, has welcomed the imam from the Wakefield Central Mosque to address staff and has even hosted a gender-reassignment event called A World That Includes Transpeople.

But no crosses, please.

Also see these commentaries (all worth reading):

The bottom line?

As a result of Obama's policies, Israel finds itself surrounded by countries ruled by a hostile Muslim Brotherhood from Tunisia to Turkey which are supported by Obama, alone in its fight against the Iranian bomb and friendless in the peace process.

It seems the anti-Israel constituencies in the US are making progress.

It takes great optimism or belief in the Almighty to be confident that Israel, a nation of seven million, can stand up to the hostile forces arraigned against it, including this administration, and avoid its eradication.

The bottom line?

The Democrats who booed God may have left out an important consideration: maybe God wasn't attending the convention.

Some observers have said God had already left the building by the time the folks in charge wrote him out of existence along with his long-favored city of Jerusalem.

What we do know is that boos and jeers greeted the idea that God and Jerusalem be written back into Democrat scripture. It seems the catcalls were surefire indicators that a god other than Jehovah almighty was being worshiped by the devotees of the fundamentalist left.

Who might that god be?

As the smoke ascended and the incense from the garments of the Anointed One and his Prophet, Joseph the Bald, wafted through the crowd, all the worshipers bowed down and pledged allegiance to the New Order, praying for Hope and Change. Prostrate, they begged the new god to allow Four More Years to Achieve Holy Change under the Rule of the Anointed One and his Prophet.

Then the crowd of worshippers rose to their feet as one.

And all the people shouted, "AMEN!"

The bottom line?

The Democratic Party didn’t quite succeed in banning God from its platform, but it did its best to ensure that no-one would listen to him by putting a liberal clergyman who talks about anything except God in front of a deserted stadium. That checked the God box without allowing the Maker of Heaven to get a word in edgewise.

The cultural divide in the United States is now almost absolute; Democratic Party liberalism, which once embraced devout Catholics and observant Jews, cannot conceal its contempt for religion. Even the clergy who cling to the Democratic Party have trouble concealing their lack of interest in religion. On the other hand, Americans of faith have rallied together as never before: Catholic and Jew, Evangelical and Mormon. For this observant Jew, hearing an Orthodox rabbi quote Torah to open the Republican convention was a milestone for America as well for the Jewish people (not to mention the fact that Rabbi Soloveichik is associate rabbi of my synagogue). And to hear an overwhelmingly Christian audience listen to this rabbi was a great event. The good news is that Americans who seek the love and guidance of the God of the Bible have put their differences aside where the good of the country is concerned. My prayer is: Let this not be too late.

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