Sabtu, 15 September 2012

More Headlines From The Epicenter: "Mideast In Flames" [Updated]

The news pertinent to biblical prophecy are dominating the headlines on a world-wide basis and most people of the world have no idea of the significance of these current events. This prophecy watcher can clearly see that there has never been a time like this: We are on the brink of many big events prophetically:

First up - Joel Rosenberg puts things in perspective:

The Middle East and North Africa are in flames at this hour. Anti-American violence is rapidly spreading throughout the region — in Egypt, in Libya, in Tunisia, in Lebanon, in Yemen. An Israeli Arab official is warning of “Armageddon.” The region seems just days or weeks away from a major war between Israel and Iran. U.S.-Israeli relations haved reached an all-time low, with a prominent Washington Post columnist warning of“the abandonment” of Israel by the Obama administration. Meanwhile, fears of al Qaeda terrorism have shut down the University of Texas. As I said during my “State of the Epicenter” address on Wednesday night, yet again “the eyes of the nations are riveted on Israel and Jerusalem, the epicenter of the momentous events that are shaking our world and shaping our future.” You can click here to watch the video of that message. You can click here to read the prepared text of that message.

Please pray for all the people of the epicenter right now. Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Please pray for wisdom for our leaders. Please pray for the persecuted and endangered followers of Christ in the Middle East and North Africa. Please pray for victims in the region, and their families and friends. Please pray for the Church to be bold and courageous in showing the love of Jesus Christ and sharing the good news of God’s love and forgiveness and eternal peace through faith in Jesus Christ.

The most germane quote comes from the article "Brahimi Says Syria Crisis Is Global Threat", as follows:

"We discussed the Syrian crisis and I repeat, this crisis is very dangerous," Brahimi told reporters after he met Assad for an hour at the presidential palace. "This crisis is deteriorating and represents a danger to the Syrian people, to the region, and to the whole world."

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