Sabtu, 08 September 2012

Evening Update: Gaza Rocket Hits Israeli Home - Mass Arab Attack On Jewish Village

Terrorists from Hamas-controlled Gaza fired two Grad missiles at southern Israel on Saturday night. One of the missiles hit a home in the city of Netivot.

A second missile, fired at the city of Be’er Sheva, exploded in an open area of the city.

Magen David Adom treated seven people who suffered injuries from the rocket attacks. Three of them fell in Be’er Sheva as they were running towards a protected space. Four other people suffered from shock.

Saturday night’s attack was the second time in a little over a week that a terrorist rocket hit a home. Last Friday morning, PA Arab terrorists attacked southern Israel with rocket fire that struck a house in Sderot. No one was physically wounded but a resident was hospitalized in a state of shock.

Mass Arab Attack On Jewish Village

Hundreds of Palestinian Authority Arabs have been assaulting a Jewish village in the Binyamin region since Saturday afternoon, Tatzpit reports.

Residents of the Jewish village of Esh Kodesh reported that the assaultbegan when three men from the community were walking in one of the town’s vineyards on Saturday afternoon, during the Jewish Sabbath.

The men were attacked by a large Arab mob armed with clubs and sticks, residents said. The attackers apparently came from the nearby PA town of Kotzra.

A security team from Esh Kodesh was called to the scene, as were nearby IDF units. The responders encountered hundreds of PA men armed with rocks and other makeshift weapons, and were unable to stop the assault.

“Children in the village are crying,” community spokesman Aharon Katzuf told Tatzpit. “They can’t sleep because of the screams of ‘Yitbach al Yahud’ [Slaughter the Jews – ed.] and ‘Allahu Akbar.’”

As of Saturday night clashes continued. An IDF spokesperson said, “Security forces are at the scene, and the circumstances are being investigated.”

At the same time we see this story emerging (again):

Abbas Names Dates For UN Statehood

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has named a date for the PA’s next statehood bid. Abbas said Saturday that he will ask the UN General Assembly to recognize a “state of Palestine” on September 27.

The date is just over one year after Abbas’ first statehood bid, in which the PA sought recognition of statehood from the Security Council. It will come one day after Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement.

His appeal to the General Assembly is considered far more likely to yield success. The Security Council bid was met by a lack of support from the United States and from European countries, but in the General Assembly Abbas enjoys a virtually guaranteed majority.

“There are 133 countries that now recognize us as a state with east Jerusalem as its capital, and where we have embassies hoisting the Palestinian flag,” Abbas proclaimed Saturday, AFP reports.

Likud MK Danny Danon has called to respond to Abbas’ latest unilateral move byunilaterally annexing Judea and Samaria. “We need to say clearly that if they want to start a one-sided process, we’ll answer them in their own language,” he declared.

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations has predicted that the PA will win non-member observer status as it hopes, but noted that the upgrade in status “will change nothing on the ground.

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