Senin, 10 September 2012

Daily Headlines: The Mosaic Of War

This first article summarizes the overall situation that is rapidly emerging in the Middle East and thus the world today:

On September 28th, Obama and Netanyahu will meet at the UN. But adding insult to injury, Ahmadinejad will address the UN on Yom Kippur – Israel’s Day of Atonement and their highest holy day. What a monstrous insult to Israel.

A worldwide caliphate is forming once again with Iran at or near the center of the vortex. The Muslim Brotherhood is in control, with a great deal of help from Barack Obama while he stays true to his Muslim roots and keeps pushing taquiyya to the infidels in America. The American President is pushing diplomacy between Israel and Iran just long enough for Iran to get fully armed to wipe Israel off the face of the planet. He is clearly anti-Israel and pro-Islam. Obama spouts support for Israel while ensuring her demise and propping up her enemies. Talk about two-faced. And Netanyahu has had just about enough of Obama’s lies and deceptions.

Time is very short now and tiny Israel is going to have to decide when to fight. She will not wait for America – she can’t afford to. Her survival is at stake. As Danny Danon, the MK of Israel has said, an ally is someone who takes action. This is laid at Obama’s feet, not the American people:

Americans should also consider the very real possibility of an attack on the US. Last week, Iran stated that shortly they would be stationing their navy just outside of US waters. All the better to hit us with an EMP or 3. But, they don’t need a navy… a cargo ship would do nicely.

Then comes the warm and fuzzy news that Iran is prepared to launch terrorist attacks from South Americaagainst us. You know, that land mass we have been studiously ignoring and hoping it would just go away… Well, it didn’t. From WND:

As reported earlier this year, terror cells have been placed on high alert to attack targets in the U.S. and Europe should Iran be attacked. Hundreds of terror cells have infiltrated America and, in collaboration with Hezbollah, are awaiting orders to strike American targets.

Thousands of cells have also been placed in Latin America.

“The Quds Force has established a command and control center in both Bolivia and Venezuela,” a former Iranian official with knowledge of the regime’s terror network recently revealed. “Though it has presence in Europe and other parts of the world, it has focused on Latin America. Thousands of such cells have been placed in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Venezuela.”

A recent report from within Nicaragua indicated that Iran has established a training base in the northern part of that country, where operatives, including Hezbollah terrorists, are being readied for an attack on U.S. and Israeli interests should a war break out with Iran.

Hassan Abassi, a former Guard commander and a current strategist, has stated that many of the cells are of Latin American origin, including from Mexico, and that several hundred targets have been identified in the U.S. for a possible attack.

Remember, we are the Great Satan and Israel is the Little Satan. Guess who is number one on the radical Islamist apocalyptic dance card?

A multitude of geopolitical tiles compose the mosaic of war… are we prepared for the fight of our lives? As the final “work of art” takes shape, and the seemingly unrelated squares of color and hue, of darkness and light, of hope and despair take their places in the greater picture, and the image begins to coalesce from a thousand apparently isolated dots, what is it we see when the rendering is complete?

Welcome to the beginning of World War III.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is expected to address the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, September 26, which also happens to be Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu recently said that he will leave for New York after the conclusion of Yom Kippur. He is scheduled to meet with President Barack Obama on September 27, although sources said the date is subject to change due to the President's campaign schedule.

Netanyahu is likely to address the General Assembly the next day.

The Prime Minister’s decision to address the U.N. came a day after Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei spoke at the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Tehran, calling Israelis “ferocious Zionist wolves who digest the Palestinian people.”

"In Tehran today, the representatives of 120 countries heard a blood libel against the State of Israel and were silent,” Netanyahu said at the time.

“This silence must stop. Therefore, I will go to the UN General Assembly and, in a clear voice, tell the nations of the world the truth about Iran's terrorist regime, which constitutes the greatest threat to world peace," the Prime Minister asserted.

In an article published in the Syrian Jouhaina (JP News) news website, Kafah al-Nasr pointed to Israel's threats against Iran's nuclear facilities and Zionist officials' dream of waging an attack against Iran, and stressed that Iran enjoys the capability to repel Israel's aerial threats.

As regards Iran's retaliation against Israel's potential aggression, Nasr said Iran's missile capability is much stronger than that of Israel's, and stated, "Destroying the Dimona nuclear facility in Israel is easier than destroying any Iranian (uranium) enrichment center."

"Despite all defensive measures, the Zionist regime's air defense is not able to shield Israel against missiles and can only trace just half of the incoming (Iranian) missiles and intercept only one fourth of these missiles. Thus, destruction of Dimona would be inevitable."

Nasr noted that Iran can also hit six other nuclear power plants in Israel, in addition to Dimona.

In an unusual move, a U.A.E. security official explicitly threatened Iran with military action if the Islamic Republic attacks targets in the Arab Emirates through clandestine terror squads.

Speaking on Sunday to the al-Arabiya network, the chief of Dubai's police force Dhahi Khalfan Tamim said that the U.A.E. had solid information indicating that Iranian teams have infiltrate into the emirates, saying that "the Gulf won't sit still in the face of Iranian threats.

The U.A.E. security official's comments represent unprecedentedly aggressive remarks in the history of bilateral relations between the emirates and Iran, coming amid increased tensions between Tehran and Dubai over the control of a group of islands in the Persian Gulf.

The US will not set deadlines for Iran and still considers negotiations and sanctions the best way to halt it from developing nuclear weapons, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Sunday.

The comments were sure to disappoint Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week welcomed reports that the US was considering setting out “red lines” which, if crossed by Iran, would trigger US military action.

Asked if the Obama administration will lay out sharper “red lines” for Iran or state explicitly the consequences for Tehran of its failing to negotiate a deal with world powers over its nuclear program by a certain date, Clinton told Bloomberg, “We’re not setting deadlines.”

The possibility of the US announcing its “red lines” on Iran had appeared to be playing a role in calming tensions in the last few days between Israel and the US, which have been publicly at odds in recent weeks over how best to halt the Islamic republic’s nuclear drive.

The following article is a nice reference to have around and summarizes all of the key players involved in the Iranian situation:

Speaking at the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Summit in Vladivostok, Russia, the head of the International Monetary Fund said the US tax increases and spending cuts that come into effect in the new year, were one of the largest risks to the global economy.

She also named the eurozone crisis and medium-term public financing, as the two other greatest risk factors.

Her comments came as jitters grew over China, the global engine of growth, as it said its factories ran last month at their slowest rate for three years. It is the latest sign of a deepening slowdown in the world’s second-largest economy.

Below, we have Hal Lindsey's latest video update and it is definitely worth watching:

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