Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

U.S. - Israeli Divide Grows: Netanyahu Refuses To See U.S. Official

This development was inevitable:

The rupture between the US and Israel over Iran’s nuclear program widened further Friday, May 25 when Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak decided not to be available to hear the briefing brought to Jerusalem from Baghdad by Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman who headed the US delegation to the Six Power talks.

The report she delivered to National Security Adviser Yaakov Amidror and Foreign Ministry Director-General Rafi Barak was that no progress had been achieved in Baghdad due to Iran’s refusal to budge on its “right” to enrich uranium at low (3.5-5 percent) or high (20 percent) levels or shut down the Fordo nuclear plant near Qom.
As if this charade weren't 100% predictable. Israel has known all along that Iran would simply use these 'talks' to stall while continuing their race towards nuclear weapons. If the consequences weren't so enormously high this would be laughable - but there is something about Israel's destruction that takes laughter out of the equation.

Although the participants agreed to reconvene in Moscow in three weeks, the Iranian delegation stressed there would be no progress until the US and the other five world powers (Britain, France, Russia, Germany and China) recognized Iran’s absolute “right” as a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty to enrich uranium.

Give them credit - at least they're being honest, unlike most of the world's leaders.

Meanwhile, every day spent on diplomacy is thoroughly exploited by Iran to zip ahead with its nuclear plans. The Vienna-based UN nuclear watchdog (IAEA)’s quarterly report released Friday reveals that since February Iran almost doubled its stockpile of more highly enriched uranium which is close to weapons grade from 73.4 to 145 kilograms.

The centrifuges at the Fordo facility, built into the side of a mountain, rose to over 500 from 300 in the last report.

Using the IAEA figures, DEBKAfile calculates that if Fordo goes on producing 23.9 kilograms of 20-percent enriched uranium per month, Iran will by the end of December have accumulated 336 kilograms of near-weapons quality uranium.

The gap between Israel and the Obama administration widened in the course of Washington’s direct, secret give-and-take with Tehran.

In early April, Defense Minister Barak reported that Israel offered some compromise on the enrichment issue. DEBKAfile disclosed at the time that Israel had informed Washington of its approval of a “1,000 formula.” Iran would be permitted to activate 1,000 centrifuges for enrichment and keep 1,000 kilograms of 3.5-per cent enriched uranium.

The Netanyahu government backtracked when this concession was used by US officials as a lever for further accommodations with Iran.

The direct US-Iran channel and the second round of Six Power talks with Iran have clearly left the standoff over Iran’s nuclear solidly in place: Iran stands by its right to enrich uranium up to weapons grade, the US stands by diplomacy, however hopeless, for resolving the controversy, while Israel demands a time limit for negotiations. Its military option was put back on the table for so long as Iran’s enrichment centrifuges continue spinning at top speed.
Nothing could be more clear: Israel knows that these talks are destined for failure and it is also apparent that Israel realizes they are completely on their own right now, at this time in history.

It's good that Israel has this knowledge. They are indeed completely on their own, just as biblical prophecy has foretold. Fortunately, they have God on their side and God will step forward in an epic manner just when Israel needs help the most.

Ultimately, Israel doesn't need "the nations" - they have something far far more powerful: God Himself. Just read Ezekiel 38-39 for a glimpse at what God has in mind for protecting Israel from her enemies.

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