Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Daily Headlines:

Netanyahu Forming War Government

Newspapers across the Arab world could not ignore Israel's political drama and the declaration of a unity government on Tuesday. Benjamin Netanyahu and Shaul Mofaz were described as conniving war mongers and corrupt politicians as editorials declared war was looming.

The paper analyzed Netanyahu as a statesman and ruled he was "concerned about his status in Israeli history and wants to be remembered as the leader who destroyed the Iranian nuclear program and solidified Israel's nuclear monopoly in the region."

Two large explosions killed 40 people in Damascus on Thursday, state media said, destroying dozens of cars on a highway and damaging an intelligence complex involved in Syrian President Bashar Assad's crackdown on a 14-month-old uprising.

Syrian television blamed "terrorists" for the morning rush-hour blasts, which were the deadliest to hit the capital since the revolt began. It showed mangled, burnt and smouldering vehicles, some containing incinerated human remains, and said more than 170 people were wounded.

Damascus terrorized

Beset on two fronts, Bashar Assad rushed his elite Republic Division to Damascus Thursday, May 10, as two massive car bombs in the al Qaza district of Damascus demolished the command center of the Syrian military security service’s reconnaissance division, killing at least 50 people and injuring 170. Over to the southeast, 12,000 special operations troops from 17 nations, including the US and other NATO members, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, were poised on the Jordanian side of the Syrian border for an exercise codenamed “Eager Lion.”

Western and Arab pressure is building up to an intolerable pitch for the Syrian president to step down and save his people from the descent into the ultimate agony of a full-blown civil war. It is coming from two directions:

Special forces units of the US, France, Britain, Canada and other NATO members have gathered in Jordan alongside Saudi, Jordanian and Qatari special units for a large-scale ten-day military exercise in Jordan starting May 15.

Chinese group known as "Sino-Michigan Properties LLC" has bought up 200 acres of land near the town of Milan, Michigan. Their plan is to construct a "China City" with artificial lakes, a Chinese cultural center and hundreds of housing units for Chinese citizens.

Essentially, it would be a little slice of communist China dropped right into the heartland of America.

This "China City" would be located about 40 minutes from both Detroit and Toledo, and it would be marketed to Chinese business people that want to start businesses in the United States. Unfortunately, this is not just an isolated incident. In fact, Chinese companies have been buying up land and businesses all over the country in recent years. There has even been talk of establishing "special economic zones" inside the United States modeled after the Chinese city of Shenzhen.

The Federal Reserve has approved applications by three big Chinese government-controlled banks to set up branches and take stakes in US banks after deciding they were adequately regulated in their home market.

They will become holding companies by taking control of The Bank of East Asia in New York, the first time a Chinese bank has been approved to acquire a US bank.

In other decisions, the Fed approved a bid by Bank of China, the third largest Chinese bank, to expand its US presence by setting up a branch in Chicago. The bank, which is 71pc owned by the Chinese government, already has two branches in New York and a limited branch in Los Angeles.

Iran's fleet of twenty submarines poses a dangerous and unpredictable force in the Persian Gulf region.

The United States - with its Fifth Fleet is based in Bahrain and carrier groups frequently deployed in the region - has not revealed what it knows about Iran's capabilities.

Analysts say look very similar to the Italian made Cosmos SX-506B submarines that Columbia received in the 1980s. The 100-ton SX-506Bs are only large enough to carry commandos and mines. News photos also show what may be two torpedo tubes, as well.

How they would perform against the naval power and prowess of the United States, or Israel's German-manufactured Dolphin-class submarines, will remain unknown unless a shooting war erupts.

The following video is very much worth watching. Perhaps the biggest EU skeptic, Nigel Farage, gives a brief review of the EU, its genesis and where it is going. One gets a sense that his discussion could easily apply to the coming world government:

Below is the intro to this video:

The video below was recorded today at the European Parliament in Brussels by Henrik Rader Clausen. It features the "King of Euro-Skepticism”, MEP Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) and the co-president of the "Europe of Freedom and Democracy” (EFD) Group in the EP. The occasion was the presentation of the book Europa Wankelt: De ontvoering van Europa door de EU(Europe Falters: The Abduction of Europe by the EU) by Wim van Rooy, Remi Hauman and Sam van Rooy.

Also see these articles - all worth the time to read.

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