Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

The New EU "Super-President" Update

More information is available regarding this new concept and formation of an EU "Super-President" and it is fascinating for a prophecy watcher.

EU To Create New "Super-President"

A group of EU foreign ministers discussed the idea of merging the European Union’s top jobs into one on April 19, the EU Observerreports, coining the term “super-president” to describe the new top job.

The jobs of European Council president, currently held by Herman Van Rompuy, and European Commission president, currently held by José Manuel Barroso, may be merged. “The new super-president would also chair General Affairs Councils (gacs)—monthly meetings of foreign ministers which discuss internal Union affairs,” writes the EU Observer. Its source reports that experts believe this can be done without a treaty change.

This is where it gets interesting:

The idea emerged from a meeting of 10 EU foreign ministers organized by German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle to discuss closer European integration. Sometimes called the “Berlin Club,” the group usually has 11 members: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Spain. The French foreign minister, however, was not able to attend this last meeting.

These ministers see that for Europe to become better integrated it needs a strong central leader. As the euro crisis pushes those nations that are committed to remaining in the euro closer together, watch for this idea to become more popular. Europe knows it needs a strong central leader to respond to the dangers of today’s world.

This information is corroborated here:

Ministers Ponder Creation Of EU Super-President

Ideas kicking around in a reflection group of select EU foreign ministers include merging the roles of the EU Council and European Commission presidents.

A senior EU source told this website following a meeting of the club in the Val Duchessestately home in Brussels on Thursday (19 April) that the new supremo would have more power than either Herman Van Rompuy or Jose Manuel Barroso do today but also more "democratic legitimacy" because he or she would be elected by MEPs.

The new super-president would also chair General Affairs Councils (GACs) - monthly meetings of foreign ministers which discuss internal Union affairs.

The reflection group was formed by German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle in Berlin in March. It plans to meet two more times before the summer recess and to circulate a discussion paper at EU27-level in September.

The other countries in the club are: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Spain. The French minister did not attend Thursday's session, however.

Daily Express Warns Of New Charlemagne

EU Plot to Scrap Britain warned the front page headline of Britain’s Daily Express newspaper on May 4. With a circulation of over 550,000, the paper warned its readership that “A covert group of EU foreign ministers has drawn up plans for merging the jobs currently done by Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, and José Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission.”

“Opponents fear the plan could create a modern-day equivalent of the European emperor envisaged by Napoleon Bonaparte or a return to the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemagne that dominated Europe in the Dark Ages,” it wrote.

The Express article was a powerful warning to Britain and America.

Of course the Express isn’t the first to “reveal” this story. A few English-language outlets covered it a fortnight ago, and the Trumpet wrote about it here and here. A group of around 10 foreign ministers, sometimes called the “Berlin Club” or the “Berlin Group,” plan to meet several more times under proposals put forward by German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle. The creation of a new “super president” is just one of their ideas.

So what we have now is 10 foreign ministers, aka the "Berlin Group" creating an EU Super-President - a position which, by all accounts would be not only the most powerful position in the EU, but in the entire world.

This is compelling, because biblical prophecy tells us that the antichrist will rise from the "10 kings":

"The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them, another king will arise, different from the other ones; he will subdue three kings. He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints...The saints will be handed over to him..." (Daniel 7:24-25)

"The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is the Lord of Lords and King of kings - and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers" (Revelation 17:12-14)

So to highlight what we know from the prophetic scriptures, we have the following:

- A revival of the Roman Empire will be seen at the end of this generation (Daniel 2, Daniel 7)
- Once this Roman Empire is reunited, it will somehow expand, consolidate or be led by "10 kings"
- The 10 Kings will produce the antichrist and later rule with the antichrist. Their primary function will be to support the antichrist in every way.
- Somehow, during his rise to power, or as part of his rise to power, three "kings" will be "uprooted".

That takes us back in time.

For years, many of us had our eyes on the "Western EU" (WEU), as this ten member cluster of nations had been together for decades and represented the seat of power within the EU Council, and as a result were by far the most powerful group within the EU See here (WEU)

These countries were as follows and we can compare the WEU to the "Berlin Group" who is selecting the new EU Super-President:


United Kingdom

"Belgium Group"


* The French representative did not attend the meeting.

The three countries in green were not part of the WEU.

This is somewhat complicated. The WEU has had two countries eliminated from this process of selecting the Super-President: Greece and the United Kingdom. In fact, several articles have suggested that the exclusion was purposeful, given that the UK has refused to adopt the Euro and join the Eurozone. We're all aware of the financial problems Greece faces and their membership in the Eurozone tenuous.

Technically, the Berlin Group has 11 countries, and it could just be coincidence that the French representative missed the first meeting. If so, then the number of countries would remain at 11, and as a result could not possibly represent the "10 kings".

However, it will be interesting to watch - to see if somehow the Berlin Group does become reduced to a 10 member group, particularly if the exiting country happens to be a member of the WEU.

In this scenario we would then have a 10 member group (the WEU) who by all accounts is the most powerful group within the EU - morphing into the Berlin Group (which would be a 10 member group who is creating the EU "Super-President" position), by eliminating 3 countries ("kings?) and replacing them.

We still don't know who the biblical 10 kings will be. Personally, despite the above, I tend to lean towards the idea that the world will evolve into 10 "unions", most of which have already formed (see here).

But - this story is compelling and simply cannot be ignored. We have a grouping of 10 powerful nations within the revived Roman Empire creating the most powerful position in the Empire, and in the process, creating the most powerful position in the world.

At the same time, we see the WEU basically transforming into this "Berlin Group" by eliminating two countries, Greece and UK (so far) and adding three more, bringing the total to 11. The elimination of one more (France?) county brings that total to 10.

Stay tuned, this story is evolving and may prove to be quite interesting.

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