Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

Iran: Military Intervention In Syria Would Engulf Israel

Assad and Ahmadinejad are already closely aligned, and now we are hearing the same threats from both individuals. This article, as reported by the Jerusalem Post is revealing for a number of reasons, but first we see interesting quotes from the article:

As the US hints at bypassing the UN to end Syria's 14-month assault, Iranian parliament speaker warns: "Ash rising from the flames would definitely envelop the Zionist regime," 'Tehran Times' reports.

Any crisis caused by a military intervention in Syria would engulf Israel, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani warned Wednesday, the Tehran Times reported.

Below we see the basis for believing there may be some kind of military intervention in Syria:

US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said Wednesday that there were three ways the Syrian conflict could end.

The first would be if Syrian President Bashar Assad's government decided to comply with its obligations under Annan's six-point peace plan - stopping its military assaults on Syrian towns, withdrawing heavy weapons, returning troops to barracks and talking with the opposition on a "political transition."

The second option would involve the council taking action to pressure Damascus to fully comply with the Annan plan, she said.

As the article states, both of the above options are highly unlikely:

Neither of those scenarios appear likely because Damascus has shown no interest in living up to its commitments and Russia has made clear that any Security Council moves to step up the pressure on Assad's government through sanctions are out of the question

"In the absence of either of those two scenarios there seems to be only one other alternative, and that is indeed the worst case," Rice said, adding that it was unfortunately looking like "the most probable."

In such a case, Rice said, the Annan plan would be dead and the Syrian violence would become "a proxy conflict with arms flowing in from all sides."

"And members of this council and members of the international community are left with the option only of having to consider whether they're prepared to take actions outside of the Annan plan and the authority of this council," she said.

She did not specify what kind of "actions" she meant. The United States has led past military interventions that were not authorized by the Security Council, namely in Kosovo and Iraq.

The obvious implication is some kind of military intervention; one could envision the beginnings of such intervention as being similar to Libya, when a no-fly zone was implemented early in the process.

So in summary we see threats from Iran - as directed towards Israel, in the event of any outside military intervention. At the same time, we see slightly veiled threats from the U.S. to engage in some kind of military intervention. These dots are pretty easy to connect; the only problem is, once again Israel is directly in the line of fire.

Larijani added this comment:

“US military officials probably have a poor understanding of themselves and regional issues because Syria is in no way similar to Libya, and (the effects of) creating another Benghazi in Syria would spread to Palestine, and ash rising from the flames would definitely envelop the Zionist regime,” the Tehran Times quoted Larijani as saying.

This article also makes a point that we've seen before. Once the first domino (aka "tipping point") falls, the next ones will fall rapidly. In this instance, if there is indeed military intervention in Syria, Iran will get involved and Israel will be targeted. If this happens, then the epic biblical battles that are pending for the end of this age are looming.

Jesus described this era perfectly:

"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars". What a perfect description of the Middle East in these last days.

Of equal importance however, He also gave us a significant reminder:

"but see to it that you are not alarmed." (Matthew 24:6).

No, we shouldn't be alarmed. As seen in the scriptures of Luke 21:28-31, we should be looking up for His imminent return and it is this anticipation that gives us the encouragement that the apostle Paul spoke of in 1 Thessalonians 5:11. With the assurance of Jesus' return, we have nothing to fear and no reason for alarm.

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