Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

Daily Headlines:

Globalists On The March

The globalists are on the march and quite busy in the month of June 2012. The Rio +20 is meeting in Brazil to check on the progress of United Nations Agenda 21 twenty years later. G-20 is meeting in Mexico to discuss sustainability and the threat to globalism by the Euro zone crisis.

The Bilderberg Group (unofficial, invitation-only, annual international forum of 120-140 globalists, one-third from government, two-thirds from finance, industry, labor, education, communication; meetings are closed to the public) are said to meet in Chantilly, Virginia, to share “ideas” on the upcoming presidential election and a possible rescue for EU. We are not exactly sure of the locale of the latter since they have been known to book more than one hotel in order to throw the few real reporters left off track.

Americans are beginning to wake up but it is a bit too late. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is preparing to implement UN Agenda 21 concept of Sustainability in all of its activities.

All government branches have a sustainability plan now. Private businesses are on the bandwagon too – everything is green growth, smart growth, and sustainability. Over 1,600 towns and counties in the U.S. are members of ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). They have now changed their name to Local Governments for Sustainability; it takes the “international” out of the equation and thus the illegality of meddling in our sovereign local zoning affairs.

ICLEI has been quietly changing our zoning laws with taxpayer dollar grants. Pliable and cooperative local “visioning committees” have been working with international bodies against the U.S. Constitution and the interests of the local citizens.

The public is beginning to wake up to these realizations - and we see how this awareness is being countered:

All federal agencies deny any connection to UN Agenda 21 and label people who bring it up as “agenders,” which is a polite way of saying “tin foil/mad hatters.” J. Gary Lawrence, advisor to President Clinton’s President Council on Sustainable Development, said in 1998:

“Participating in a United Nations advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy-fixated groups and individuals in our society…This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a United Nations invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away, would actively work to defeat elected official who joined the ‘conspiracy’ by undertaking local UN Agenda 21. So we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management, or smart growth.”

The role of the EPA:

The EPA has adopted “sustainability impact assessments as their basic tool for issuing draconian regulations.” It is no longer an agency that protects the environment but an agency to destroy capitalism and take away American citizens’ property rights, while pushing them further away from access to wilderness areas.

EPA Region VI Administrator Al Armendariz compared his agency’s modus operandi to enforce oil and gas regulations with the Romans crucifying a few enemies in order to bring about speedy submission.

Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, exemplifies how draconian the sustainable policies of the EPA will be. He told conference participants in 1992:

“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class, involving high meat intake, the use of fossil fuels, electrical appliances, home and work-place air conditioning, and suburban housing, are not sustainable.”

Plans are under way to say good-bye to roads, cars, fossil fuels, abundant electricity, abundant food, inexpensive and easily available medical care and drugs, private property, access to water supply, and suburban sprawl.

"Loss of sovereignty" seems to be the order of the day right now - at this time in history:

European Central Bank (ECB) chief Mario Draghi has urged eurozone leaders to come up with a 10-year target for the common currency, saying they should accept more transfer of powers if they truly want a fiscal union.

"But the thirdly and most importantly is that we collectively have to specify a path for the euro. How do we see ourselves in 10 years from now ...We want to have a fiscal union? We have to accept the delegation of fiscal sovereignty from national to some form of central [government]," he said.

A full break-up and the demise of the euro is very unlikely, Fitch said in a press statement, given the huge financial and political costs.

Instead, the eurozone will continue to "muddle through," the ratings agency predicted, agreeing with Draghi that "some dilution of national fiscal sovereignty" was still to come.

"Big Crisis = Big Change"; another common theme recently:

European Union: Rumblings Of A Crumbling

For Europe generally, however, the increasing effort by individual countries within the Schengen area to erect border controls to curb the flow of unemployed workers is seen as reversing the decades-old trend for these countries to cede sovereignty not only in economic matters but also political affairs to supranational E.U. institutions.

Yet, these countries still can maintain their sovereignty on military and foreign policy issues. The European Commission’s efforts to impose more supranational authority over these countries, coming at a time of a deepening economic crisis, isn’t going over very well.

“The debate around Schengen clearly illustrates the basic contradiction that exists at the heart of E.U. institutions,” according to the open intelligence entity Stratfor. “Facing a potential reform of the treaty, the European Commission saw an opportunity to increase its prerogatives. Member countries viewed the commission’s intentions as a threat to their sovereignty.”

Unless the economic crisis lessens, there will be an increasing conflict between supranational integration and the call for renewed sovereignty by a number of these countries.

Troop Movement Renews Sinai Reoccupation Buzz

Another potential tipping point?

The reported call-up by the Israeli Defense Forces of six battalions of reservists to be assigned mostly along the 150-mile border with Egypt facing the Sinai Peninsula has renewed buzz that Israel is planning to reoccupy the region, according to a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

The move underscores not only concern by Tel Aviv of heightened terrorist attacks launched from the deserts there, but also the possibility of a remedy, at least temporarily, to the growing energy crisis that has emerged following Egypt’s cancellation of the contract that brought natural gas into Israel.

The gas, which met some 40 percent of Israel’s energy requirements, flowed through a pipeline that has been sabotaged some 14 times since the fall of President Hosni Mubarak last year.

The interim governing Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, or SCAF, then decided to pull back Egyptian troops from that frontier, and Israelis say now it is showing increased al-Qaida and Bedouin tribe violence.

In addition, Israeli officials say that Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip are using the Sinai to launch attacks into Israel.

And we see this interesting development:

While the immediate reason given for the call-up was due to tensions between Israel and Egypt and continued unrest in Syria, another reason for the troop positioning could be to deal with any attack that could occur from Syria, Lebanon and the Sinai should the Israeli government decide to launch an attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Syria and Lebanon’s Hezbollah, along with the Hamas from the Gaza Strip, have vowed to come to Iran’s assistance in the event its nuclear facilities are attacked.

This development has posed an increasingly serious security issue for Israel, which now must position the troops along the border with the Sinai in an effort to minimize attacks on Israel itself.

His time may be growing short:

Support for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is fading away at home. His Islamist rivals in parliament won a landslide vote Friday, with the first session of the legislative body set to begin in about two weeks.

Final results of the polls released by Iranian media on Saturday showed that conservative rivals had won a landslide victory in Friday's runoff vote.

Since Ahmadinejad has served the maximum two terms, his term ends in August 2013. In the intervening time, it is likely he will have significant power, inasmuch as few of his supporters remain in positions of influence.

A Mw5.5 earthquake has struck the Iran-Iraq border.

18 people have been injured , and 45 houses have been destroyed in Abdanan. In other locations, houses have also been destroyed in rural centers. 700 houses in total have been rendered uninhabitable So far no fatalities have been reported but around 3500 people are believed to be homeless due to destroyed houses, with at least 1500 others needing shelter. 50 villages have been 30 to 50% destroyed.

This video update covers several recent news stories including the newly proposed "Super-President" of the EU:

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