Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

Sunday Headlines

Despite the political attempts to thwart Iran's nuclear ambitions, rapid progress is being made towards the completion of nuclear weapons - weapons that would immediately threaten Israel:

More Than 60 Nuclear Experts At Work Building Iranian Nuclear Bomb

The names and addresses of 60 Iranian experts employed by 11 different Iranian agencies under the control of the Iranian Defense Ministry were revealed Saturday, May 12, by the main Iranian opposition Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI).

This is the first time an extensive, highly secret, central organizational structure dedicated to building a nuclear weapon has been revealed in detail – specifically the Ministry of Defense under the command of the Revolutionary Guard Corps, which also runs the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant.

The information updated to April 2012 was provided by “sources within the Iranian regime’s agencies, including military institutions.”
It contradicts the fundamental conclusion reached by the US and five world powers and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

The exhaustively detailed Mujahedin-e Khalq document presents a completely new picture of a well-advanced and centralized nuclear weapons program, quite different from the one broadcast by the US and its fellow nuclear negotiators - and even by some Israeli circles.
Refuting the belief Iran has not actually started building a nuclear warhead or bomb, the Iranian opposition group provides chapter and verse to demonstrate that Iran is way past the decision and flying ahead at top speed on its manufacture.

More and more local communities are rising up to oppose local comprehensive land use plans and local ordinances because they claim the policies contained in the documents reflect the recommendations found in the U.N.’s Agenda 21, which result in the loss of property rights and individual freedom.

Consequently, proponents of professional planning and sustainable development increase their criticism of the opposition, often resorting to ridicule and personal attacks. So who’s right about Agenda 21?

All the history and information you need to know about Agenda 21 can be found here.

Agenda 21 contains recommendations that, when adopted, will result in the loss of private property rights. A few examples may be seen here (17:34) of how Agenda 21, where it has been adopted into local ordinances, is removing people from their land without compensation and is destroying private property rights.

The recommendations in Agenda 21 lead inevitably to more government control over virtually every facet of human life. Those who champion individual liberty and private property rights should learn as much as possible about Agenda 21 and how to confront it. Join a local Tea Party, property rights, or 912 group and help save your community and this great nation.

Mainstream media’s habit of ignoring terrorist attacks has been confirmed by the IDF, which details nine attacks, most of which were virtually unreported except by Arutz Sheva.

The cover-up is part of a general policy of local and foreign media to generate a positive image of the Palestinian Authority and a negative picture of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

“Very little of what actually goes on in Israel is reported by mainstream media. A lot of incidents are never published, though they’re very significant,” the IDF reported on its blog. The IDF did not mention any specific media outlet.

It detailed nine terrorist attacks that remain unknown to most Israelis and foreigners who do not read Arutz Sheva. When mainstream media report terrorist attacks, the perpetrators usually are described as “militants” or “Palestinian Authority citizens.”

Alex Jones has developed two sources within the Bilderberg Group who have confirmed that the secretive cabal is meeting at the Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles hotel in Chantilly, Virginia from May 31st to June 3rd, with further revelations about Bilderberg’s 2012 agenda to follow.

Russia and the US are holding their first ever joint anti-terror military exercises on American territory. A group of Russian paratroopers has taken off to Fort Carson military base, located in the US state of Colorado.

A special unit of American land forces and a reconnaissance unit of Russian special forces will be taking part in the exercises.

Russian paratroopers will first familiarize themselves with American small arms, military equipage, munitions, communication and reconnaissance equipment, parachute systems and types of landing operations.

In addition, Russian and American servicemen will have joint gun practice, mountain training and will take a course in demolition techniques. They will also have parachute training using American military equipment.

At the end of May the exercises will enter the “active” stage with combat training, in the course of which participants are supposed to find, seize and destroy a large base of international “terrorists”.

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