Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

Daily Headlines:

Nigel Farafe - We Are On The Edge Of A Total Social Breakdown

On the heels of news out of Greece that a 60-year-old man and his 90-year-old mother leaped to their deaths because of financial despair, today King World News interviewed MEP (Member European Parliament) Nigel Farage, to get his take on the ongoing tragedy and crisis in Europe. Farage told KWN that “we are on the edge of total social breakdown” and “the banking system is now in the most perilous state we’ve seen in over 70 years.” Here is what Farage had to say about the deteriorating situation: “Well, the situation in Greece just goes from bad to worse. We’ve now got a situation where there was the big suicide a few weeks ago, where a 77-year-old man shot himself in the head outside the Greek Parliament. That was the public face of what’s gone wrong.”

Nigel Farage continues:

“But do you know that every day there are people that are literally leaving their children at the doors of the Greek Orthodox Church, with notes around their necks saying, ‘We cannot afford to feed or look after these children, please take them from us.’ Can you imagine that?

This is taking place inside Europe. This is taking place inside a once great nation. The nation that invented democracy. We are on the edge of total social breakdown....

One of two things will happen. Either there will be some sort of terrible revolution that takes place in the country, or perhaps Germany and the others will expel Greece at some point after their general election. That’s coming up on June the 17th.

The bigger problem is Spain. I spoke to a very senior and leading economist last week about this. He said, ‘If Spain goes, Europe on their own just will not be big enough to save those banks. It would require a (massive) global solution of some kind.’ But I’m not even sure the will for that exists.

Mario Draghi Urges Eurozone Leaders To Take "Courageous Leap" To Economic Integration

The head of the eurozone’s central bank urged the region's leaders to take a “courageous leap” to safeguard the future of the single currency as clear divisions continued and a Greek exit remained in focus.

“We are living a crucial moment in the history of the EU. We have reached a point in which the process of European integration needs a courageous leap of political imagination in order to survive,” he said during a speech in Rome.

Economists at Citigroup said the most likely date for a Greek exit was January 1 2013, assuming that by then it will have run out of money following a failure to elect a government on June 17 that is willing to stick to austerity.

Citi analysts said the Greek currency would immediately plunge 60pc against the euro.

Israeli Soldiers Wounded n Gaza Border

Palestinian gunmen operating out of the Gaza Strip shot and wounded two Israeli soldiers patrolling the border fence on Wednesday, as the Palestinian Authority kept apace with efforts to incite future generations of local Arabs to take up arms against Israel.

Despite regular claims that true peace is possible, the continuation of Palestinian violence against Israel is inevitable, as the Palestinian Authority has systematically violated its obligation to educate its population for peaceful coexistence. In fact, it has done the opposite.

Over the past few years, the Palestinian Authority has named numerous streets, town squares, schools, soccer teams and summer camps after Mughrabi, who is seen as a Palestinian hero for her 1978 hijacking of an Israeli public bus and the subsequent massacre of all 37 passengers.

"To name a Boy Scout group after her and launch two summer camps named after her...is horrifying," Palestinian Media Watch director Itamar Marcus told Israel National News. "She is presented as a role model."

Israel Takes Back Promise To Obama Not To Attack Iran Before The Election

Sources from inside Washington, DC are telling the international media that Israeli leadership is upset with US President Barack Obama’s handling of Iran’s alleged nuclear threat and may take military action before the November election.

Previously, authorities in Israel told the White House that they would refrain from striking Iran until after Election Day as to avoid marring the race by possibly involving the US in an international war. Because President Obama has not put his foot down on Iran’s alleged nuclear warhead procurement plan, Israeli officials are not reportedly willing to attack at any moment.

"There is no need to tell us what to do, and we have no reason to panic. Israel is very, very strong, but we do know that the Iranians are accomplished chess players and will try to achieve nuclear capabilities,” reads a translated statement from Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak delivered this week in Hebrew. “Our position has not changed. The world must stop Iran from becoming nuclear. All options remain on the table."

Defense Minister Barak spoke with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and National Security Adviser Tom Donilon over the ongoing Iran issue but was unable to have either member of the Obama administration aid in Israel’s plea to sanction Iran.

Egypt "On The Verge Of A New Era" As Islamists Claim Lead In Vote

The Muslim Brotherhood made an early show of confidence as vote counting began in Egypt’s landmark presidential election on Thursday, saying its exit polls showed its candidate in the lead in the race to succeed ousted leader Hosni Mubarak.

Exit polls by several Arab television stations also suggested the Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi was ahead of the pack of 13 candidates. The reliability of the various exit surveys was not known, and a few hours after the end of two days of votes, only a tiny percentage of the ballots had been counted.

But the swiftness of the Brotherhood’s claim showed its eagerness to plant its flag and establish in the public eye that Morsi had at least won entry into a second round vote. There are five prominent candidates, but none is expected to win outright in the first round. A run-off between the two leading contenders would be held June 16-17.

The Brotherhood is hoping for a presidential victory to seal its political domination of Egypt, which would be a dramatic turnaround from the decades it was repressed under Mubarak. It already holds nearly half of parliament, the largest bloc there, after victories in elections late last year.

Regional television channels, citing their own exit polls, also placed Morsi as the top finisher, with a tussle for second place between Shafiq, moderate Islamist Abdel-Moneim Abolfotoh and lefist Hamdeen Sabahi.

Strong Christchurch Quake Closes Red Zone

Christchurch was hit by its largest earthquake in recent weeks this afternoon, with a 5.2-magnitude shake sparking the evacuation of 1000 workers from the Red Zone.

The earthquake struck at 2.44pm at a depth of 11 kilometres and was centred 10km east of Christchurch,according to the GeoNet website

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