Senin, 23 April 2012

UN "Seeks New Powers At Rio Sustainability Summit": Calls For Global Government

We're beginning to see more and more news leaking out regarding the upcoming "Sustainability Summit" and it's very ominous indeed, as we could predict:

The United Nations plans to use its upcoming UN Conference on “Sustainable Development” (UN CSD or Rio+20) in Rio de Janeiro to amass a vast array of unprecedented new powers and literally re-shape civilization, the global economy, and even peoples’ thoughts, according to official documents. All of it will be done in the name of transitioning toward a so-called “green economy.”

Among the new authorities being sought by the world body are global carbon taxes, wealth redistribution amounting to trillions of dollars per year, and a barrage of programs dealing with everything from poverty and education to health and resource allocation. Virtually no realm of human activity will be unaffected by the scheme, which analysts have described as a “mammoth exercise in global social engineering.”

The global transformation agenda was laid out in a recently published report entitled “Working towards a Balanced and Inclusive Green Economy: A United Nations System-wide Perspective.”

The conference marks the 20th anniversary of the 1992 UN Earth Summit that adopted the highly controversial “Agenda 21.”

The dramatic transformation to a supposedly “green economy” — still largely undefined — will not be cheap. In fact, according to the UN, the price tag will be in the trillions of dollars per year. And consumer prices will have to increase across the board, too, with food, energy, and housing at the top of the list.

“A global transformation towards a green economy will require substantial financial resources,” the document admits, proposing “ecological taxes” as a way to “unlock” the enormous amount of funds needed to redesign human civilization. One suggestion offered in the plan: impose carbon taxes or a cap-and-trade system on the people of industrialized countries to extract some $250 billion per year for the UN agenda.

There are so many prophetic implications to this movement, it's hard to know where to begin. The totalitarianism aspect is obvious, but below we see additional prophetic implications, including a global financial system, a central currency and of course, a global form of governance to manage all of these changes:

However, the UN understands that there may be a limit to how much wealth governments can extract from their populations or divert from investors to be poured into “green” programs. So, to deal with that, the world might have to move toward an international currency that would allow global authorities to finance the schemes by printing money.

“In addition, there is a need to identify and develop new sources of international funds at scale that support the global transition towards a green economy,” the document explains. “Efforts need to be made to explore the potential for an innovative use of Special Drawing Rights (SDR), international reserve assets, and pools of concentrated assets to serve the aim of financing green economy investments with attractive social as well as private returns and increasing the provision of global public goods.”

SDRs are a proto-global currency managed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) based on the value of a basket of major fiat currencies. The global government-promoting establishment and a wide array of national leaders have been demanding for years that SDRs be used as a world currency — eventually displacing the U.S. dollar’s status.

The calls for such a monetary transition are only growing louder, but critics are fighting back. Givingglobal institutions the power to print currency, of course, would provide a potentially unlimited supply of funds to transform the world and erect the global environmental governance structures sought by the UN.
And this - like any totalitarianism based system, re-education must ensue:

To ensure that the global population supports the UN agenda, the controversial report notes that “UN entities need to scale up support for education” and “culture must be an integrated part of a green economy transition.” The future of humanity — the youth — must be taught about the supposed dangers of theoretical man-made global warming. And children must also learn that the UN is needed to solve the alleged problem.

“Climate change education is a particularly important part of quality education,” the report claims without elaborating. And so, the UN educational scheme “provides people at all levels of education, in particular youth, with the skills, competencies, and knowledge needed to prepare for green jobs and to change unsustainable consumption and production patterns.”

Also see the link above for an extensive list of related article links.

The United Nations is holding its’ “Conference on Sustainable Development” in Rio de Janero, Brazil, over three separate sessions in June, to which organizers, led by UN Conference Secretary-General of Rio+20, Sha Zukang [who 'really doesn't like Americans'], expect 193 attendees from governments, the private sector, NGOs and other stakeholders, according to the Sarah de Sainte Croix March 20, 2012 article in The Rio Times.

More specifically, the debates will cover a … ‘breathtaking array of carbon taxes, transfers of trillions of dollars from wealthy countries to poor ones, and new spending programs to guarantee that populations around the world are protected–from the effects of the very programs the world organization wants to implement.

According to Russell, the Obama Administration officials have supported this “agenda,” which is designed to ‘make dramatic and enormously expensive changes in the way that the world does nearly everything—or, as one of the documents puts it, “a fundamental shift in the way we think and act.”

This UN doctrine seems to directly channel Marx and Engel’s scribe of 1848, “The Communist Manifesto,” wherein its’ organizational and operational structure appears to largely be a paraphrasical equivalent to the 10 short-term demands Marx prescribed in section II., “Proletarians and Communists.”

Actually, as this directly smacks of the long-discussed “UN Agenda 21,” America must treat this audacity of the United Nations as a wake up call, and say “[last] check please”–then hit the UN exit doors without delay.

And this information leads directly to the article below:

The Blaze expanded on each of the Manifesto’s 10 planks and juxtaposed them with modern day American society. The picture revealed, while perhaps not shocking, is unsettling to say the least.

Considered the playbook, the framework, the founding document of Communism, it is argued that no other political volume has altered the course of history more than Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel’s tiny yet effective blueprint for the proletariat.

Commissioned by the Communist League, Marx and Engels laid out their analysis of capitalism and class struggle while supposedly offering economic and socio-political “solutions” rooted in what they called science. While every instance of Communism attempted around the globe has since failed abysmally and without exception, proponents still cry that Marx’s inviolable political and economic theories were simply “improperly executed” and thus, if true to the Manifesto, Marxism is, in itself, “perfect.”

Below are the tenets they seek to live by, as mapped out in his “magnum opus.”

The article embellishes each of the following tenets, and is worth reading in full. These highlights look breathtakingly familiar to anyone paying attention to recent news:

1. Abolition of private property
2. Heavy progressive income tax
3. Abolition to all rights of inheritance
4. Confiscation of property of all emigrants & rebels
5. Centralization and monopolization of credit by means of a national bank
6. Centralized control of communication & transportation
7. Government ownership of factories
8. Equal liability of all to labor
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries
10. Free education for all children in government controlled schools

The Communist Party USA opened its national conference in New York this weekend, and the speakers weren’t shy about their plans for the United States of America.

In what constituted a clear step-by-step stratagem, Sam Webb, the party’s chair, opened his remarks by saying that the upcoming elections are only be part of “a grander design [that] will connect the dots between our immediate and longer-range political task.”
“To put it differently,” he elaborated, “we hope to connect the struggle at the ballot box today with the struggle for socialism tomorrow.”

But how, exactly, does the party propose to transform America’s system of governing?

The first step, according to People’s World– where the official Communist Party USA Twitter pagedirects readers– is to defeat right-wing “extremism” (presumably at the aforementioned ballot box).

Once Republicans are successfully subdued, Webb believes that communists will join with workers in an “anti-corporate” struggle.

“[But] this stage of struggle doesn’t supplant capitalism,” he explained. Rather, it “brings the socialist stage closer as tens of millions become convinced in the course of the struggle that capitalism doesn’t work for them” [Emphasis added].

Finally, after a shift among the “core forces” for social change, the Communist Party and other leftist organizations will finally succeed in becoming “the people’s government.”

In this stage, Webb explained, it is important to “control the movement of capital, [institute] a tax policy that weighs heavily on the wealthy, and [place] under democratic control sectors of the economy, such as finance, that are a threat to the peoples’ government and a socialist revolution” [Emphasis added].

While many have long-dismissed the Communist Party and other leftist organizations as fringe political movements, their influence among vocal groups like Occupy Wall Street has granted them more consideration in recent months.

Occupy Wall Street plans to come back with a bang in less than ten days when it unleashes its May Day General Strike that could blockade the bridges and tunnels necessary for New York City to function. lays out the plan openly on its website:

“On May 1, 2012, autonomous direct action groups within Occupy Wall Street, as a part of the global mobilizations for general strike and economic non-compliance, will block one or more Manhattan-bound bridges or tunnels to protest the shameful opulence of the 1%.”

In addition to the planned transit blockade, Occupy is rallying factions across the country in solidarity with general strikes around the world: “For the first time, workers, students, immigrants, and the unemployed from over 115 U.S. cities will stand together for economic justice.”

The storied Marxist-activist past of Union Square is unknown to most New Yorkers (and the rest of America) but shows that the Occupiers have added a knowledge of history to their organizational tactics and digital media savvy. According to, Union Square,

“started being used for political rallies soon after notable Labor Day marches in the 1860s (the traditional spring festival of May Day became International Worker’s Day to many after the 1886 Haymarket incident in Chicago), but … it is really only in the beginning of the 20th Century when the use for political demonstrations really began.” Specifically, the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) starts to have a lot of events.”

Also see:

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