Selasa, 03 April 2012

Daily Headlines

"Summer Protests Will Return And Be More Political"

Last year’s social justice protests will return to Israel this summer, just with more focus, anger and specific demands, and without the tent cities that defined the summer of 2011, a leader of one of the groups looking to reignite the protests said Sunday.

“This summer’s protests will be much more political, because we realize that the changes happen in the political realm,” Miller said. “Those who hold the keys are those politicians who are trying to be the prime minister.”

They’re baaack… the American Bolsheviks. Can’t you just feel the violence in the spring air? Communism in bloom – just look at the list of them above. Occupy Wall Street is coming out of hibernation just as we predicted and they are good to go, ready for revolution and chaos. The American Spring is about to be born. Stay as far away from these useful idiots as you can.

The movement kicked off last Friday and was dubbed National Occupy Washington (NOW). It sprung into action with a march on the Environmental Protection Agency – accompanied by a brace of alpacas, a large polar bear and an even larger blow-up of planet Earth. I kid you not… But, before you write them off as looney (and they are), remember they are also dangerous and violent and coming to your town and neighborhood.

Spring is inspiring other OWS-related activism as well, including the 99 Percent Spring, a coalition of progressive groups launching large-scale nonviolence training for its members and a national call for a general strike on May 1.

OWS is in transition, says Mark Tatge, journalism professor at DePauw University in Indiana. “I don’t see it dying, I see it morphing into something beyond just an attack on the big banks or Wall Street,” he says via e-mail, adding that the seeds of this movement can be seen elsewhere.

“There is really more than one ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement underway,” says Professor Tatge, pointing to coalitions of groups mobilizing over issues such as immigration, fights over creationism in schools, a fierce battle over health care now before the Supreme Court, and the recent shooting of an unarmed teen in Florida.

Class warfare at its finest. The Marxists are gearing up to attack us, possibly physically as well as philosophically, on every major front. They are coming and don’t discount them; that would be a fatal mistake. Almost as bad as joining them. Do I need to remind everyone what happens to useful idiots once they have served their purpose? Death, death and death.

So, are you ready for the American BolsheviksThe Second Act? I hear it’s to die for. They are lying just like the Russian Communists did. They characterized themselves as the majority in Russia then, just like they are here, trying to recreate the Bolshevist meme – it wasn’t true then and it’s not true now. Behold the violent minority! Or, we can get rid of these freaks and work industriously at restoring the Constitution, smaller government, way less debt and the freedom to succeed or fail without big brother breathing down our necks. Hmmm, decisions, decisions…

Anyone who thinks the globalist initiative to integrate North America on the model of the European Union is dead or beyond any hope of revival is badly mistaken.

Today, American University’s School of International Relations in Washington, D.C., put out a press release making Pastor, professor of international relations and director of the Center for North American Studies, available to discuss with the media the sixth annual North American Leaders’ Summit, now going by the acronym NALS.

“One hopes they will take concrete actions to promote competitiveness by creating a seamless market, reduce impediments on the border, foster educational opportunities in all three countries and articulate a vision of North America that will engender greater cooperation,” he said.

In a televised address on Al-Hekma TV last week, Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad basically backed up Gingrich's assessment, acknowledging that the roots of most "Palestinians" are elsewhere in the Middle East, and that the Palestinian label is only a thin veneer.

Those pushing for a Palestinian state try to paint the Palestinian Arabs as somehow distinct from the Arabs round-about, and therefore in need of their own state. Not so, said Hammad. "Every Palestinian, in Gaza and throughout Palestine, can prove his Arab roots - whether from Saudi Arabia, from Yemen, or anywhere. We have blood ties."

More than that, Hammad stated that the true regional background of most "Palestinians" is not in "Palestine."

"Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis," exclaimed the Hamas minister.

Hammad's remarks were undoubtedly never intended for a Western audience. Rather, he was pleading with Egypt and other neighboring states to supply Hamas-ruled Gaza with free fuel, which Hammad said Hamas would use "in order to continue to wage Jihad."

Well, now we have some leaked Syrian regime internal documents that make the same point. In talking points for President Bashar al-Assad prepared by his staff and given him on December 31, 2011, Assad is told to warn pro-Arab Western countries:

America has started to leave our region and there will be no ally left to you but your Syrian neighbor.

And Iran, of course, but Assad didn’t want to mention his non-Arab ally.

This is the line from Iran and Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood (including Hamas), and Hizballah. Saudis say it in public now; Israeli leaders say it in private. Opposition activists say it in Lebanon, Iran, and Turkey; opposition fighters say it in Syria.

The Egyptian regime knows that it can indict 16 Americans — including the son of a U.S. cabinet member — on espionage charges, and Obama will still provide its aid. And, in reaching a deal to let them leave the country, $4 million in American ransom.

The message: you can’t depend on America to be a firm ally, and you can depend on America to be a weak enemy. The U.S. position in the region is eroding away.

Israel, subsequent to the days of Menachem Begin, has painted herself into a corner. No longer willing to eviscerate her insidious enemies, she has withdrawn into a defensive cocoon, thereby only emboldening them. Vacating positions of power won during four major wars and innumerable smaller ones, she now bows apologetically to the will of an international community, a community in lockstep with her enemies -- enemies supplied by Iran with increasingly sophisticated weapons now capable of reaching major cities deep within her heartland.

Israel today is facing Islamic terrorists made to believe that time and destiny are on their side. No longer fearing the painful retribution once administered to them for incessant aggression, they now depend upon soft jihad -- the canard of peace talks and denial of legitimacy to the land -- and hard jihad -- sustained violence from Gaza and homicide bombings emanating from Judea and Samaria (the West Bank).

I can think of no better analogy for this dance of violence which Israel is engaged in with the Gazans. In her excellent article published in the Jerusalem Post on March 29, "Another Tack: Batman and the Iron Dome," Sarah Honig correctly recognizes this. She also sees the futility of accepting the Iron Dome and defensive measures as a way to assuage peace with the terrorists.

She aptly notes that during this last spate of violence, the Israeli aim should have been to entirely disable the terrorists from striking again. Since Israel timidly failed to accomplish this, in the view of the terrorists, they won. Whether Israel accepts this view or not is irrelevant. As long as the Islamists are left to think they won, they won.

If Israel is to survive and prosper in peace as a sovereign nation, she must be prepared to foreswear reliance on any other country, including the United States. She must be willing to accept the scorn of the sanctimonious international community and to once again get her hands dirty. She has the power to do so, but the question remains: does she have the will? Most importantly, the Jewish State must readopt the policy made famous by the great Prussian general Karl Von Clausewitz: "The best defense is a good offense."

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