Rabu, 25 April 2012

Daily Headlines:

First up: More news on the "UN Plan":

Did you know that the UN has a plan for running the world and it is right out in the open? It is called "sustainable development", but it is far more comprehensive than it sounds.

The truth is that the UN plan for running the world would dramatically alter nearly all forms of human activity. A 204 page report on "sustainable development" entitled "Working Towards a Balanced and Inclusive Green Economy, A United Nations System-Wide Perspective" has been published in advance of the upcoming Rio + 20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro.

You can read the full report right here.

It envisions a vast system of global carbon taxes, massive global safety nets and the implementation of a one world green economy. Many of those that are pushing "sustainable development" on a global level believe that they are doing it for the good of the planet. In fact, the 204 page report mentioned above even says that the transition "to a green economy requires a fundamental shift in the way we think and act" but that it will be worth it in the end. What people need to understand is that throughout modern history tyranny has almost always been initially introduced by people that believed that they had "good intentions".

At the moment, the United Nations is operating as something of a "soft global government". The UN does not have the power to coerce nations to do their bidding yet, so they rely mostly on cooperation. The UN will "take what they can get" right now, and they know that someday they will eventually have the power to turn their recommendations into mandates.

One of the things that the UN would love to implement is a global carbon tax scheme. The power to tax is the power to control, and if the UN is ever given the power to tax the entire globe they will at that point become much more than a "soft global government".

Secondly, the UN believes that massive global wealth distribution is needed in order to bring about global "equity".

Does that sound like radical socialism to you?

It should.

In this one world "green economy", prices for things like food and energy will go up dramatically for Americans. The UN is pushing a concept known as "full-cost pricing". What that means is that the "full social and environmental costs" of producing goods and services must be passed on to you so that you will be "motivated" to change your behavior. The following is another excerpt from the UN report....

For example, the UN really does not like that Americans drive their cars so much. They believe that it is very bad for the environment. So according to the UN it is going to be necessary to raise the price of gasoline dramatically.

The UN report also envisions massive changes to the global financial system. This new UN report on "sustainable development" is just the latest in a long string of UN reports that sees an emerging role for "Special Drawing Rights" to play in the international financial system....

And below, we see another article on the RTP doctrine and the new "atrocities czar":

President Obama’s National Security Adviser Samantha Power will head the new White House Atrocities Prevention Board, which is tasked with formulating a response to war crimes, crimes against humanity and mass atrocities.

Power helped to found a global military doctrine called Responsibility to Protect that was also devised by several controversial characters, including Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi, a staunch denier of the Holocaust who long served as the deputy of late Palestinian Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat.

Power was reportedly heavily influential in convincing Obama to launch NATO airstrikes in Libya last year, a key test of Power’s Responsibility to Protect doctrine.

As we recently reported, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), an agency that says its main purpose now is to thwart "homegrown terrorism," has awarded a contract to ammunition manufacturer ATK for acquiring 450 million rounds of .40 caliber hollow point ammo. You can view the announcement of the ammunition purchase at this press release:http://www.marketwatch.com/story/atk-secures-40-caliber-ammunition-co...

Many NaturalNews readers may not know this, but "hollow point" ammunition is never purchased for practice or training. This ammunition is purchased for the sole purpose of being used in active fighting. At the same time, it is a violation of the Geneva Convention to use hollow point ammunition on the battle field.

DHS does not fight wars overseas. It is a domestic agency with domestic responsibilities. Its purchase of .40 ammunition is a clear and obvious indication that DHS plans to wage war on the American people.

I have no doubt that the ultimate plan here is to arm TSA agents and unleash them across the USA as a new storm trooper force to put in place total tyranny across the country. The military will be kept out of it precisely because most soldiers would refuse to participate in tyranny, as they actually have morals and ethics.
The next logical step in the downward spiral of oppression is to arm these agents and use them to slap down total police state tyranny across America. At the first opportunity -- probably after a government-staged false flag attack involving a dirty bomb or a bioweapons release -- these TSA goons will be set up on every major road and highway, using their new bulletproof roadway checkpoints and their .40 caliber hollow point ammo to put America into a complete Martial Law clamp down where everybody is considered a possible terrorist, and secret arrests (torture, interrogations, beatings, etc.) are commonplace.

Remember, Naomi Wolf talks about all this in her documentary The End of America, where she outlines the 10 steps through which all nations establish a dictatorship.

Those steps are:

1. Create an internal/external threat that terrorizes the populace. This has already been accomplished with Oklahoma City (false flag) and 9/11 (another false flag). Get the film "A Noble Lie" fromwww.InfoWars.com to learn the truth about Oklahoma City.

2. Create secret prisons, with torture. Obama did this nicely with the NDAA (as well as keeping GITMO open even after promising he would close it).

3. Create a paramilitary force. This is the TSA.

4. Single out ordinary citizens as 'troublesome persons.' This has been accomplished by Janet Napolitano's "if you see something, say something" propaganda campaign.

5. Establish surveillance of citizens' groups and ordinary citizens deemed 'troublesome.' This is already well under way through surveillance of emails, phone calls, vehicle movements and more.

6. Detain and release citizens without formally charging them with any crime. This has been "legalized" under Obama's NDAA. (http://www.naturalnews.com/034537_NDAA_Bill_of_Rights_Obama.html)

7. Target key individuals who are well known, popular figures. This has already begun and will likely accelerate. Who do you think killed Andrew Breitbart? Congressman Bono?

8. Restrict the press. Already done. The U.S. government, in fact, essentially runs the mainstream media today. White House announcements are simply printed as "fact" with zero journalism and zero fact checking taking place.

9. Redefine dissent as treason. This is already happening with figures like Ted Nugent who was recently "visited" by the Secret Service after his anti-Obama rant. All throughout government speeches today, the criminals at the very top proclaim that anyone who questions government is "anti-American" and might be involved in domestic terrorism. The FBI even warns that people who "stockpile food" might be terrorists! (Even though the government itself stockpiles massive quantities of food, guns, ammunition, communications gear, medical supplies and more...)

10. Subvert the rule of law. Already done. Law has been complete abandoned by the ATF, DEA, FDA, USDA and every other federal agency you can think of. The Attorney General Eric Holder actively plots ways to destroy the Bill of Rights, and the government stages false flag terror attacks to undermine constitutional protections.
Also in the news:

Hundreds of OWS training workshops took place this month throughout the country, in all 50 states, including small rural areas. Inside one of the training workshops, attendees report that OWS is “specifically instructed to go to any and all Tea Party gatherings, rallies, etc., to be confrontational and create havoc and disruption.”

They are being trained to recruit and enlarge their numbers in their assigned geographic locations, to use the correct messaging, to incite any opponents, engage in confrontation, employ tactics to evade police blockades and create gridlock.

OWS workshops are extremely organized and clearly well funded. Each workshop had a trainer, DVD’s, handouts and a training manual.

OWS is not a grassroots movement, as demonstrated by the training, resources and coordination at their workshops. OWS is orchestrated and organized by George Soros’ MoveOn.org and Media Matters, Van Jones, Steve Lerner, Francis Fox-Piven, Barack Obama, Union leaders (e.g. SEIU, AFL/CIO, UAW), Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and other radical far-left anti-American organizations who are dedicated to the destruction of our free market system and the overthrow of our Constitutional form of government.

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