Selasa, 10 April 2012

Media Silence?

We've discussed the issue of lies and distortions during this biblical age, and along those lines we also see complete burial of some of the most interesting news of this age - news that have profound implications for our lives. Below is an interesting list of some of the news stories which are effectively being buried by the MSM:

Critical thinking is a skill that is in short supply in America today, and most Americans seem content to let their televisions do their thinking for them. Sadly, the pretty people on television do not spend a lot of time talking about the things that are truly important.

Instead, they love to talk about the latest celebrity scandal and they love to divide people into groups and get them fighting with one another. In this day and age, it is absolutely critical that we all learn to think for ourselves.

For those wanting something different, you will have to seek out alternative sources of news (such as this website) that are willing to discuss the truly earth shattering events that are continually taking place all over the globe.
That's the intro.

Below is the list and the content of each item is found in the link above.

#1 Strange Things Happening On The Sun

#2 Fukushima

#3 Mount Fuji In Japan About To Erupt?

#4 Stunning Rise In Volcanic Activity Around The World

#5 Global Food Prices Rising Again

#6 U.S. Government Debt Downgraded Again

#7 500 Million Dollars To Help The IRS Implement Obamacare

#8 Go To Jail If You Offend Someone On The Internet In Arizona?

#9 Passport Suspended For Not Paying Taxes?

#10 Preparations For War In The Persian Gulf

#11 Mysterious Mass Deaths

#12 The Federal Reserve Monetizing U.S. Debt

#13 Giant Sinkholes

#14 Increase In Global Earthquakes

#15 Increase In U.S. Earthquakes

#16 Evacuation Drills At U.S. Public Schools

#17 Strange Sounds In The Sky

#18 Crazy Tornado Outbreaks

#19 Obama Signs Disturbing Executive Order
The conclusions:

The world that we live in is becoming increasingly unstable.

The political order is being shaken, the financial world is being shaken, the social fabric of our society is being shaken and even the ground under our feet is being shaken.

Previous generations never had to deal with a world that was changing at blinding speed. The rate at which things are moving is almost unimaginable, and it just seems to keep accelerating with each passing year.

Of course, this development was painfully obvious, despite what we were told by the MSM:

Just as Washington took the unusual step recently of inviting members of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood for White House talks to try regain influence in Cairo, Egyptians followed recent gains by the Muslim Brotherhood in parliament to pursue Tehran as strategic partner instead of Washington

For years, however, Shi’ite Iran has been a major financial supporter of the Sunni Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and quietly worked for some two years with the group to oust Washington-backed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak last year.

Now, a new U.S.-based Gallup poll taken since the Brotherhood and the more fundamentalist Salifist al-Nour party combined to establish an Islamist Muslim majority in parliamentary elections earlier this year reveals that some 56 percent of Egyptians see relations with the United States as bad for the country.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran has enough funds to withstand a total embargo on its oil sales for several years, Iranian media reported on Tuesday.

Syrian forces opened fire across two tense borders Monday, killing a TV journalist in Lebanon and at least two people in a refugee camp in Turkey on the eve of a deadline for a cease-fire plan that seems all but certain to fail.

Across Syria, activists reported particularly heavy violence with more than
125 people killed in the past two days.

The latest bloodshed was a sign of how easily Syria's neighbors could be drawn into a regional conflagration as President Bashar Assad's crackdown on a year-old uprising becomes increasingly militarized, despite desperate diplomatic efforts.

On Monday, Syrian forces fired across the border into a refugee camp in Turkey, wounding at least six people, Turkish authorities said. But four witnesses in the camp told The Associated Press that two people in the camp also had been shot and killed.

The Syrian opposition and Western leaders had been skeptical all along that Assad would live up to his commitment to a truce. He has broken similar promises in the past and escalated attacks on opposition strongholds in the days leading up to the deadline.

The US navy announced the arrival of the USS Abraham Lincoln in the north Arabian Sea and the USS Enterprise, the world's longest naval vessel, in the Gulf of Aden.

A senior official in President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government threatened in January unspecified action if American aircraft carriers returned to the Persian Gulf, saying: "We are not in the habit of warning more than once".

Although neither ship has entered the Gulf itself, the deployment will be seen as an unmistakable challenge in Tehran ahead of the beginning of negotiations on Saturday, which President Barack Obama has described as Iran's "last chance" to resolve the nuclear impasse through diplomacy.

When a retired fisherman called to report that about 1,500 dolphins had washed up dead on Peru’s northern coast, veterinarian Carlos Yaipén’s first reaction was, “That’s impossible.”

But when Yaipén traveled up the coast last week, he counted 615 dead dolphins along a 135-kilometer stretch of coastline.

Now, the death toll could be as high as 2,800, based on volunteers’ counts. Peru's massive dolphin die-off is among the largest ever reported worldwide.

Since it's ongoing, it may wind up being the largest dolphin die-off ever reported.

His diminishment of two of the three co-equal branches of government has caught the attention many citizens, and now a legal expert has weighed in with a stark warning about the future of the nation.

“I think the president is dangerously close to totalitarianism,” Judge Andrew Napolitano, a Fox News analyst, said. “A few months ago he was saying the Congress doesn’t count. The Congress doesn’t mean anything. I am going to rule by decree and by administrative regulation. Now he’s basically saying the Supreme Court doesn’t count. It doesn’t matter what they think. They can’t review our legislation.

Just days after the U.S. Supreme Court gave the OK for jailers to strip search anyone who’s arrested — regardless of how minor their offense — the sheriff in Tipton County decided that every incoming detainee will be strip searched.

The justices voted 5-4 that police had the authority to strip search a man mistakenly arrested for an unpaid fine.

But many defense attorneys were appalled at what they saw as a dangerous and demeaning erosion of civil rights.

“I think it’s outrageous, I think it’s an affront to human dignity. I can’t believe that people in Tipton County want to be strip searched,” said Patrick Frogge, a criminal defense and civil rights attorney in Nashville. “A housewife gets pulled over because she has not paid a traffic ticket — or because a computer mistakenly says she didn’t pay it — and she’s going to be strip searched like a terrorist.”

In the dissent, Justice Stephen G. Breyer called strip searches a “serious affront to human dignity and to individual privacy.”

“Such a search of an individual arrested for a minor offense that does not involved drugs or violence ... — say a traffic offense, a regulatory offense, an essentially civil matter, or any other such misdemeanor — is an ‘unreasonable search’ forbidden by the Fourth Amendment, unless prison authorities have reasonable suspicion to believe that the individual possesses drugs or other contraband,” he wrote.

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