Minggu, 01 April 2012

Sunday Headlines

Al-Assad And His WMDs?

It has been known for years by the U.S. intelligence community that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has considerable depots of chemical weapons which, combined with the SCUD-Ds, are meant to be used against Israel

However, a report by the James Martin Center for Non-proliferation Studies says that out of desperation he could use them against countries that assist the armed opposition in his country or countries which may harbor such fighters.

The report is titled “Assad’s Toxic Assets.”

The report raises a number of possible scenarios, one of which is that the generals could use the chemical weapons without waiting for al-Assad’s approval if the opposition becomes overwhelming.

“It is no wonder that President (Barack) Obama and his top military brass are extremely hesitant to use kinetic force or send weapons into Syria,” the report said. “The country is a chemical powder keg ready to explode.”

...the prospect that Iran could dispatch elite Iranian Republican Guard Corps troops to Syria to guard the facilities. Sources suggest that members of the IRGC already are in Syria providing intelligence and specialized training to Syrian troops.

There are increasing indications that al-Qaida’s presence in Lebanon is on the rise, centering on the Palestinian Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp near Sidon, according to informed sources, according to a report from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

Sunni Al-Qaida’s presence in Lebanon has been growing in recent years, with indications of their infiltration into the Bakaa border town of Arsal under the guise of being Syrian opposition activists.

Elements of al-Qaida in Lebanon have reached a point that even the Shi’ite Hezbollah is concerned about its increasing presence. The concern centers over the prospect that al-Qaida could launch an attack on Israel, which in turn would blame Hezbollah and create an open conflict between Lebanon and the Jewish state.

Former American ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, accused the Obama administration of intentionally leaking highly sensitive Israeli intelligence information, in aninterview with FOX News.

According to the reports, Azerbaijan has recently granted Israel access to air bases along its border with Iran, which would eliminate the need for Israel to refuel during the course of a possible operation and would significantly improve the chances of its success.

Bolton, who refrained from stating whether or not he believes the reports to be true, highlighted the fact that the reports were leaked by United States intelligence officials.

He noted that about a month ago, United States Defense Secretary Leon Panetta expressed his belief that an Israeli attack is most likely to occur during the spring months of April, May or June.

Bolton said that because the “Obama administration’s private efforts to pressure Israel not to attack Iran were failing, decided to go public” and asserted that such statements are part of the administration’s “campaign against an Israeli attack.”

He continued to state that “the Obama administration has long believed that an Israeli attack [would be] worse than an Iranian nuclear weapon” and that the pressure American has put on Israel, behind the scenes, has been “merciless.”

However, because the Obama administration is realizing that but that the Israeli government will do what it feels necessary “has torked it up a notch and is now going to reveal very sensitive, very important information, that will allow Iran to defeat an Israeli attack.”

“I think that’s what’s going on,” he said

Schools in northern Brazil are now embedding their uniforms with locator chips that allow the tracking and monitoring of their students. Advertised as a “way of informing parents in case their children skip school”, the widespread use of these devices and the information they can potentially gather is rather unsettling. There no “off function” on these chips. I read some comments stating that these chips will “help finding kidnapped kids”. Really? What if the kidnappers made the kid, like, um, NOT wear the shirt?

Lame excuses to hide the real agenda here, constantly increasing surveillance and monitoring in the name of “security”. Here’s an article on the “intelligent uniforms” that are actually worn by 20,000 students and required on all 43,000 of the Brazilian locale in 2013.

Twenty thousand students in 25 of Vitoria da Conquista’s 213 public schools started using T-shirts with chips earlier this week, secretary Coriolano Moraes said by telephone.

By 2013, all of the city’s 43,000 public school students, aged 4 to 14, will be using the chip-embedded T-shirts, he added.

Radio frequency chips in “intelligent uniforms” let a computer know when children enter school and it sends a text message to their cell phones. Parents are also alerted if kids don’t show up 20 minutes after classes begin with the following message: “Your child has still not arrived at school.”

A coalition of organizations led by officials at the Rutherford Institute is urging members of Congress not to even consider plans to revive the failed Real ID Act of 2005, which mandated “costly and restrictive” nationwide standards for a drivers’ license database.

Although the law gave states three years to comply with “restrictive federal licensing standards” and create a national database of license information, individual birth certificates and other personal information, it never has been completed.

The plan, although made into law, never has been implemented, and according to John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute, half the states adopted resolutions or other prohibitions on the federal plan.

“Civil and privacy rights advocates, as well as liberal-, conservative-, and libertarian-leaning organizations, have long raised concerns that a national ID card would enable the government to track citizens and, thus, jeopardize the privacy rights of Americans,” Whitehead said.

“When all is said and done, the adoption of a national ID card serves one purpose only: to provide the government with the ultimate control over the American people,” he said.

Further, “they believed it would facilitate tracking of data on individuals and bring government into the very center of every citizen’s life.”
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