Senin, 02 April 2012

Evening Update:

It is still somewhat surprising that the news cycle, as pertaining to prophetic related news, is now twice a day. For someone who has followed such news, this is a stunning development, as only a few years ago weekly updates would have been sufficient.

A magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck southern Mexico today in an area hard hit by a quake two weeks ago.

The jolt was felt in Mexico City, but there were no reports of injuries or major damage.

This summer’s Olympics will increase the already 'extreme risk' of a flu pandemic spreading in the UK, according to a new report.

Britain was ranked second only to Singapore for its vulnerability to the rapid spread of an influenza outbreak.

The UK is at such high risk because of its densely-packed cities, highly-mobile population and popularity as a global travel hub, analysts Maplecroft found.

The study said the London Olympics in July and August will increase the danger of flu spreading because an extra 5.3 million foreign tourists - many from countries where any pandemic is likely to emerge - are expected to visit Britain for the Games.

The capital is expected to see almost 800,000 additional people use public transport each day, which is an ideal breeding ground for viruses.

Maplecroft’s influenza pandemic risk index rates five countries at 'extreme' risk for the spread of the disease, with Singapore top, followed by the UK, South Korea, the Netherlands and Germany.

This might be a good time to brush up on Ezekiel 38-39 and review the alliances foretold:

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov issued a strong warning against a military attack on Iran Monday, April 2,, saying that a pre-emptive strike would violate international law. His comments, made during a visit to Armenia, stopped short of threatening (the US and/or Israel) of consequences. But they backed up and were in tune with the explicit threat from Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei last Thursday of strong Iranian resistance to foreign intervention in Syria and vow to defend Damascus as the “center of resistance against Israel.”

Western military observers link the two statements as representing an evolving Russian-Iranian front.

After their shared success in delivering Bashar Assad from the revolt against his regime, the two partners are preparing to fend off a potential strike against Tehran’s nuclear program as well as shore up Iran’s regional interests from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean.

Within its borders, America once provided an example to the world of what free markets and sound money can provide. But as Goyette painstaking points out, those days are over. Today’s America is but an aging bankrupt empire. Not so different than the last days of Rome. Its armies spread thin throughout the world. Its treasure wasted long ago, government finances are in shambles, and it can only pay its promises with money it creates from nowhere.

America is bankrupt, Social Security is a Ponzi scheme and the country’s financial situation worsens each day. The author points out that the Federal Reserve’s holdings of Treasury debt increased from $777 billion to $1.6 trillion in a year’s time. America owes more to its own central bank than it does China and Japan. This should be the very definition of a banana republic.

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