Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Human Government: Moving Towards Totalitarianism - Preparing For The Tribulation

As stated before, the Tribulation won't begin with a "bang", but will represent the last stages of a generational build-up. Certainly the Tribulation will begin with a specific, singular event ("He will confirm a covenant with many" Daniel 9:27) but the massive, draconian dictatorship will represent the last stages of a generational transition towards such a governmental structure. We are watching this build-up now reach its latter stages and the results are quite disconcerting.

We've been following developments within the EU and the UN which reveal the current financial crisis as a stimulus leading to more and more centralized power and control and paralleling these developments, we are seeing the same types of developments in the U.S.

Human government never has and never will work. We can simply tour history and see the end product of any human government, regardless of how it began - even with the best of intentions - the end result is government led by corruption, greed, oppression, destruction, imprisonment, fear, despair, poverty, religious persecution, coupled with absolute control of citizens.

It happens every time - it is a guarantee.

Only at the time of the Second Coming will it end and only Jesus is fit to lead mankind.

Daniel 2 gives us this hope and reveals the final stages of the last (and worst) form of human government as Jesus' coming ends all forms of human government. This scripture, as found in Daniel 2:44 shows the ending of this last (Tribulation) gasp of human government as shown by the 10 Kings who will rule with the antichrist:

"In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people" (in other words, no more human government)

"It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end."

Daniel 7:26 reveals the outcome of Jesus' coming and the destruction of the last form of human government which had been led by the false prophet and the antichrist:

"But the court will sit and his power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever. Then the sovereignty, power, and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be handed down to the saints, the people of the most high. His kingdom (Jesus) will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him."

That is the ultimate promise as human government ends.

However, that only comes at the end of the Tribulation, and for now, there is much much worse human government to endure, and we are seeing this progression in living color - right before our eyes:

On April 2nd, the US Supreme Court ruled that jails do not violate privacy rights by routinely strip-searching everyone, even those arrested on minor traffic offences. This decision is part of a disturbing trend in US law enforcement practices: The addition of a sexual humiliation component to them – a component that was found in the most oppressive police states in History. Due to its powerful psychological effect on people, sexual humiliation is currently used in places where physical and psychological torture is tolerated such as Guantanamo Bay and now, this technique is becoming increasingly tolerated on civilians. Here’s a great article on the spread of this disturbing trend in America

Believe me, you don’t want the state having the power to strip your clothes off. And yet, it’s exactly what is happening

In a five-four ruling this week, the supreme court decided that anyone can be strip-searched upon arrest for any offense, however minor, at any time. This horror show ruling joins two recent horror show laws: the NDAA, which lets anyone be arrested forever at any time, and HR 347, the “trespass bill”, which gives you a 10-year sentence for protesting anywhere near someone with secret service protection. These criminalizations of being human follow, of course, the mini-uprising of the Occupy movement.

Is American strip-searching benign? The man who had brought the initial suit, Albert Florence, described having been told to “turn around. Squat and cough. Spread your cheeks.” He said he felt humiliated: “It made me feel like less of a man.”

In surreal reasoning, justice Anthony Kennedy explained that this ruling is necessary because the 9/11 bomber could have been stopped for speeding. How would strip searching him have prevented the attack? Did justice Kennedy imagine that plans to blow up the twin towers had been concealed in a body cavity? In still more bizarre non-logic, his and the other justices’ decision rests on concerns about weapons and contraband in prison systems. But people under arrest – that is, who are not yet convicted – haven’t been introduced into a prison population.

History shows that the use of forced nudity by a state that is descending into fascism is powerfully effective in controlling and subduing populations.

The political use of forced nudity by anti-democratic regimes is long established. Forcing people to undress is the first step in breaking down their sense of individuality and dignity and reinforcing their powerlessness

Where are we headed? Why? These recent laws criminalizing protest, and giving local police – who, recall, are now infused with DHS money, military hardware and personnel – powers to terrify and traumatise people who have not gone through due process or trial, are being set up to work in concert with a see-all-all-the-time surveillance state. A facility is being set up in Utah by the NSA to monitor everything all the time: James Bamford wrote in Wired magazine that the new facility in Bluffdale, Utah, is being built, where the NSA will look at billions of emails, texts and phone calls. Similar legislation is being pushed forward in the UK.

Remember, you don’t need to have done anything wrong to be arrested in America any longer. You can be arrested for walking your dog without a leash. The man who was forced to spread his buttocks was stopped for a driving infraction. I was told by an NYPD sergeant that “safety” issues allow the NYPD to make arrests at will. So nothing prevents thousands of Occupy protesters – if there will be any left after these laws start to bite – from being rounded up and stripped naked under intimidating conditions.

Last weekend I visited the U.C. Berkeley campus and on a whim attended a lecture with the provocative title “Teaching as a Subversive Activity — Revisited.”

Because this was a presentation aimed at education insiders only, the lecturer, retired professor H. Douglas Brown from S.F. State, seemed perfectly willing to let the cat out of the bag about political indoctrination on college campuses. Fortunately, I had my trusty camera with me, so I was able not only to snap a few pictures but also record several key portions of his speech, which I found so eye-opening that I felt the general public deserved to hear it as well.

Let it be noted that Professor H. Douglas Brown is no wild-eyed extremist; in fact, he’s rather bland and respectable and not the most thrilling of speakers, as you will soon hear. But that’s what made his presentation so disturbing: radical and self-admittedly “subversive” attitudes that affect the future of society are discussed with matter-of-fact nonchalance.

Professor Brown’s talk focuses specifically on this problem: His basic thesis is that it is no longer sufficient to simply tell students to think for themselves, because then we lose the ability to influence them, and there’s no guarantee that the students will then develop progressive worldviews. The “Revisited” part of the lecture’s title means that these days, we must be more blunt and to the point: Since the good guys are now in charge, let’s just dispense with all the experimentation and instead directly indoctrinate the students in leftist thought and ideals.

I nearly fell out of my chair when he first said that he wished conservatives didn’t have freedom of speech, and then practically the very next phrase out of his mouth was that people like him believe in “a culture of open-mindedness.” I mean c’mon, does he have any self-awareness? How could someone say that with a straight face? And the audience just laughed, ha ha ha. This only confirms what I have long suspected: That liberals have banished overt conservative thought from many college campuses with “speech codes,” and that given half a chance they would implement the same thing society-wide, and feel sanctimonious and justified in doing so.

Marxism spawned Socialism. Marxism produced the foundation of European welfare state socialism. The European model tried to nationalize Socialism, as with the Bolshevik revolution, but with less success. After the failure of nationalization through revolution, European socialists realized that free enterprise in private hands produced capital (money) which they could then steal through taxation and then redistribute to all through social programs, thereby achieving socialism.

Fairness is the mantra of socialists. Fairness in healthcare, fair share of tax payments, fair prices for all through state controlled markets, fairness for the environment through green energy, racial fairness through enforced civil rights, fairness in gender equality and protection of homosexuality through tough hate crime laws, to name a few. All of this fairness must be executed and enforced through an all-powerful centralized government by controlling everyone to be able to provide all of life’s needs from the cradle to the grave.

Redistribution is the cornerstone of socialism. And herein lies the reason why Obama hates the Constitution. The Constitution of the United States of America is the death blow to socialism. The Constitution limits government and empowers the individual while protecting individual liberty. Socialism is not compatible with a limited government and free citizens who govern themselves.

It was Friday the 13. If you are superstitious, then the new Executive Order issued yesterday, “Supporting Safe and Responsible Development of Unconventional Domestic Natural Gas Resources” must give you pause.

Because natural gas produced 25 percent of our energy in 2011, the federal government must control this source of energy in order to deliver on the promise of making gasoline prices rise to $10 per gallon, bankrupt the coal industry, and cause energy prices to skyrocket.

An interagency working group is tasked to “facilitate coordinated Administration policy efforts to support safe and responsible unconventional domestic natural gas development.”

This working group bureaucracy will be chaired by the Director of the Domestic Policy Council and has several curious members that have no direct involvement with natural gas production:

  • the Department of Defense
  • the Department of the Interior
  • the Department of Agriculture
  • the Department of Commerce
  • the Department of Health and Human Services
  • the Department of Transportation
  • the Department of Energy
  • the Department of Homeland Security
  • the Environmental Protection Agency
  • the Council on Environmental Quality
  • the Office of Science and Technology Policy
  • the Office of Management and Budget
  • the National Economic Council

The White House Blog continues, “At the same time, as the administration develops a framework for safe and responsible production that builds on steps already taken by states across the country, we must ensure that those efforts continue to happen in a coordinated way.”

There we have it; we cannot let states continue business as usual. We must interfere and impose federal power and control over the states. We cannot let cheap natural gas interfere with our plan for expensive alternative sources of energy. Fossil fuels and fracking are tampering with our power grab plans.

In a recent interview with Accuracy in Media, author and political activist Deneen Borelli called Al Sharpton an “ambulance chaser,” citing the Tawana Brawley case. Borelli is the author of the new book Blacklash: How Obama and the Left are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation. In the book, Borelli exposes the Left’s attempt to silence black conservatives who are battling against the Obama administration’s goal of expanding the government and increasing the number of people dependent on the welfare state.

Borelli considers the book as a call to action to empower Americans to help stop the cycle of government dependency, which deprives citizens of their rights to freedom and prosperity. Not only is she an author, but she’s a Fellow at Project 21, a network of black conservatives, which is an initiative of the National Center for Public Policy Research, based in Washington, D.C. She’s also a Fellow with FreedomWorks, and a contributor to Fox News. Her website is

if you’re concerned about liberty—I mean, let’s face it: Obamacare is about control. It’s an unfunded mandate. Literally what’s going to happen is, you’re going to have some faceless bureaucrat standing between you and your doctor, when, in fact, it should be the individual and the doctor who should be making the best choices and decisions for that individual, for their family. I know from just going to the post office, for example, the government can’t do anything within economic reason, or to be accountable.

Unfortunately, the story below, as refreshing as it is, is probably too little too late, but at least someone is waking up to the realities that we are facing:

The City of Colfax, CA reportedly defeated UN Agenda 21 by a 4-0 vote and passed Resolution No. 12-2012.

Ken Delfino, one of the City Councilmen, reportedly wrote a letter describing what he learned about UN Agenda 21 and urges others to educate themselves about it too.

Dear friends, constituents and colleagues:

This evening the attached resolution was introduced and discussed…and was passed by a 4-0 vote.

This particular topic has been discussed in previous council meetings as more and more people are becoming aware of this United Nations program that has been hidden under a myriad of titles starting with the “New World Order” in 1992 and the addition of many of these restrictive and business-killing environmental initiatives that have been introduced and passed in the past 2-3 years.

On-line searches of anti-American U.N. bias and statements will show you just how much this organization despises the success of our country. We are railed against by the likes of Hugo Chavez, the Castro brothers, Daniel Ortega, Moammar Khadaffy and other anti-American leaders not just from their capitols, but worse, from the United Nations building in New York City!

The ultimate goal of United Nations’ Agenda 21 is global governance with the U.N as the head agency.

Many of my council colleagues from other jurisdictions have gotten together to find ways to fight this cancer that has crept into our government. We all took an Oath to support our state and United States constitutions and protect our citizens and community against all enemies…foreign and domestic…and this is the statement our city made tonight to this effect.

We believe other cities and counties have made such stands and we hope others will join us.

I ask that if you have not done so, to at least [sic] research this program and come to your own conclusion.

In closing, I want to stress that this is not a Republican v. Democrat v. Libertarian, left v. right, religious [sic] v. atheist issue…this is purely an anti-American issue aimed at eliminating our national sovereignty!

In continued service to my country and community,

Ken Delfino
City of Colfax, CA

And this:

3. RESOLUTION No. 12-2012: City of Colfax, California (see page 21 at this link:

R E S O L U T I O N No. 12-2012


WHEREAS, the United Nations Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of extreme environmentalism, social engineering and global political control that was initiated at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992 and…

WHEREAS the United Nations Agenda 21 has been and continues to be covertly pushed into local communities throughout the United States of America through what was the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) through local “sustainable development” policies such as ‘Smart Growth’, ‘Wildlands Projects’, ‘Resilient Cities’, ‘Regional Visioning Projects’ and similar names and…

WHEREAS this United Nations Agenda 21 plan of radical so-called “sustainable development” views the American way of life of private property ownership, single family homes, private car ownership and individual travel choices and privately owned farms all as destructive to the environment and…

WHEREAS according to the United Nations Agenda 21 policy, social justice is described as the right and opportunity of all people to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment which would be accomplished by redistribution of wealth and…

WHEREAS according to the United Nations Agenda 21 policy, National Sovereignty is deemed a social injustice.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that in order to help protect property rights of our citizens, the Council of the City of Colfax, California recognizes the destructive and insidious nature of United Nations Agenda 21 and hereby exposes to the public and public policy makers the dangerous intent of the plan and be it further

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that neither the United States government nor state or local government is legally bound by the United Nations Agenda 21 treaty in that the treaty has never been endorsed by the United States Senate and therefore be it further

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the implementation of the United Nations Agenda 21 destructive strategies for “sustainable development” at the federal, state and local governments across the country will have harmful repercussions and we hereby reject all of its radical policies that are not in the best interests of our citizens and the City of Colfax and our Sphere of Influence.

PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 11th day of April, 2012, by the City Council of the City of Colfax, by the following roll call vote:


Steve Harvey Karen Pierce
Mayor City Clerk

Also see:

During his Friday evening broadcast, Glenn Beck hosted a panel comprising survivors of Communist regimes. Each took time to relive their painful stories and share opinions on Western society’s current, inexplicable exultation of socialism and Communism.

The panelists hailed from all over the world, including Cuba, Cambodia, East Germany and various countries of the former Soviet Union, to name a few. Their personal accounts of experiencing food rations, religious persecution, confiscation of business, imprisonment, murder and assault on personal freedom, rang hauntingly familiar to one another’s.

The Tribulation is approaching like a freight train at full speed. Fortunately, the Church won't be here for the worst of this totalitarian nightmare, but we're here to see the early stages and it is quite ominous and scary to anyone with an ounce of discernment.

I personally believe this is one of several reasons that we have the following advice from Jesus Himself, as He knew we'd be seeing these developments as the Church age approaches its last days on earth:

"When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift your heads, because your redemption draws near" (Luke 21:28)

"Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near" (Luke 21:31)

In other words, we should be focused on the promises offered by Jesus and not the approaching carnage that is coming to the earth.

After clarifying the various nuances of the "gathering up" of the Church, the apostle Paul also gave us important perspective:

"Now may the lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you" (2 Thessalonians 3:16)

Amen. Peace be with us during these difficult days. We've been told what awaits us, and that should be the focus of our attention.


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