Kamis, 01 Mei 2008

Iraq War News Updates -- May 1, 2008

Iraqi Team Seeks Halt To Suspected Iranian Aid To Militias -- Yahoo News

Official: Iraqis To Confront Iran About Arming Militants -- CNN News

Iran's Involvement In Iraq -- Belmont Club

Ir** vs Ir** -- Belmont Club

Iraqi Delegation Arrives In Iran With Evidence Of Militant Aid -- International Herald Tribune

CIA Director Hayden Says Iran Wants Americans in Iraq Killed -- FOX News

Media Ignores Record Progress: Finds Reason to Slam Iraq -- Gateway Pundit

About Those Casualty Statistics From Iraq -- Strata Sphere

Iraq: US Deaths Hit 7-Month High -- Time Magazine

US Troop Deaths Hit 7-Month High In Iraq -- Yahoo News

U.S. Troop Deaths Hit 7-Month High In Iraq -- MSNBC

Tariq Aziz, The Public Face Of Saddam's Tyranny, Goes On Trial -- Independent

35 Die, Dozens Injured In Iraq Wedding Attack -- MSNBC

At Least 28 Killed In Sadr City Fighting -- San Francisco Chronicle

US Troops Kill 28 Mahdi Fighters In Sadr City -- Long War Journal

Maliki Vows To Pursue Militias -- Long War Journal

Unsafe Haven -- Newsweek

Is Iran The Biggest Problem In Iraq? -- MSNBC World Blog

Congress Urged Not To Slash Iraq Funding -- CBS News

Bush Pays Price For 'Mission Accomplished' Sign -- MSNBC

Clinton Says There’s Nothing Left to Achieve in Iraq -- FOX News

My Comment: Low level conflict still continuing. Reconciliation with Sadr's militia's continuing. Iran actively involved in the conflict. Al Qaeda still on the run. In otherwords .... everything is still the same.

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