Senin, 12 Mei 2008

Iraq War Updates -- May 12, 2008

'Ghost City' Mosul Braces For Assault On Last Bastion Of al-Qa'ida In Iraq -- Independent

U.S.: Clashes Persist In Baghdad Despite Truce -- MSNBC

Overnight Clashes Disrupt Fragile Baghdad Truce -- Times Online

Iraqi Lawmakers, Sadrists Sign Four-Day Cease-Fire -- Yahoo News

Operations Continue In Sadr City -- Long War Journal

Mahdi Hell In Sadr City -- Strata-Sphere

Truce Or No Truce With Sadrists In Iraq? -- Strata-Sphere

Cleric Moqtada al-Sadr Has No Control Over Mahdi Militias -- Strata-Sphere

Sadr City Bomb Squad: Looking For Trouble Before It Explodes -- International Herald Tribune

US Military Destroys al-Qaida Base South Of Baghdad In Airstrike -- International Herald Tribune

Peace, Though Fragile, Delights People Of Basra -- International Herald Tribune

Iraqi Officials: Turkey Hits Kurdish Bases In Iraq -- Yahoo News

Turkey 'Hits' Kurdish Bases in Iraq -- Time Magazine

PKK Attacks, Turkey Hits Back Killing 59 -- The New Anatolian

US Military Deaths In Iraq War At 4,075 -- Yahoo News

Violence Eases In Baghdad Slum After Truce -- Reuters

An Honor Killing in Basra -- Guardian

Parading Of Fighters' Bodies Taunts Mahdi Army -- Times Online

Iraq: The South -- Belmont Club

My Comment: All sides are becoming weary of this conflict. My gut .... for the first time .... is telling me that this conflict will be at an end by next year .... and that almost all American forces will be out soon after that. What will Iraq look like after that will be up to the Iraqis.

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