Rabu, 21 Mei 2008

China A Growing Threat In Space And Cyberspace, U.S. Military Says

From The International Herald Tribune:

WASHINGTON: The U.S. military said that China poses a growing threat to the United States and others in space and cyberspace.

China is "aggressively" honing its ability to shoot down satellites, along with other space and counter-space capabilities, Brigadier General Jeffrey Horne of the U.S. Strategic Command said Tuesday.

Such know-how has major implications for Beijing's potential to curb access to the Taiwan Strait "and well beyond," he told the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, a congressionally created advisory group.

Read more ....

Other News Sources:
U.S. military cites growing China space, cyber threat -- Science News Review
US military cites growing China space,cyber threat -- Sinolinx
Oops, They Goofed (Explaining Away the PRC ASAT Test) -- In From The Cold

My Comment: I have been going back and forth from China since the eighties. From my first trip there, it was drilled into my head that the goal of the Chinese is to be like us. For the uninformed, this would mean our standard of living, our culture, our diet, our cars, our technology, our fashions, and ..... last not but least ..... our international standing, influence, and military might.

I learned this all over 20 years ago, and nothing has changed. They are still doing what they told me they were going to do. A free press, democratic institutions, tolerance of religion and beliefs .... these are never mentioned. Even today .... the goal of China's youth is the same as their old leaders .... it is China's destiny to be the world's super power.

The space race and militarization of space is just one of their many goals.

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