Senin, 12 Mei 2008

Tragedy In Myanmar -- News Updates May 12, 2008

First U.S. Aid Plane Arrives In Myanmar -- MSNBC

Tragedy Of Dead And Survivors In Myanmar Grows Worse -- Reuters

Burma's Towns Face Refugee Crisis Alone As Aid Piles Up -- Independent

In Burma, Fear Trumps Grief- Time Magazine

Burma's Pain -- Newsweek

Aid Rrickles Into Burma, But Toll 'Could Reach 1 Million If Disease Set In' -- Times Online

Myanmar Junta Still Blocking Cyclone Aid -- International Herald Tribune

Relief Workers Stuck On Wrong Side Of Burmese Border As Visa Hopes Fade -- Times Online

Burma Cyclone: Now Aid Workers Warn Of Refugee Crisis -- Times Online

UN Allowed To Deliver Burma Cyclone Aid -- Telegraph

China: Myanmar’s Heartless Ally -- Pajamas Media

Invasion Burma -- Belmont Club

My Comment: A rigid Socialist dictatorship, supported by China and Russia, will get a pass from its obvious criminal behavior.

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