Rabu, 21 Mei 2008

Japan To Allow Military Use Of Space

From the Guardian:

Japan's estrangement from its postwar pacifism continued today with the enactment of a law ending its 40-year ban on the military use of space.

The law signals Tokyo's determination to expand its military capability amid concern over China's ballooning defence budget and North Korea's development of ballistic and nuclear missiles.

The move will be welcomed by the US, whose ambassador in Tokyo, Thomas Schieffer, called on Japan to end its self-imposed cap on defence spending of less than 1% of GDP.

Read more ....

Other News Sources:
Japan approves new military space policy -- Space Politics
Japan's Diet approves law on space use -- Eview week
Diet OKs bill allowing space programs for national security -- Mainichi Daily News

My Comment: This is going to excite Japan's neighbours. But what Japan is doing is actually signaling to China that if it continues to increase its military spending, Japan will follow suit.

Another arms race in the works?

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