Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

Winners And Losers In The Yemen Crisis

Lora Moftah, IBTimes: Yemen 'Coup' A Sign Of Expanding Iranian Influence In the Middle East

WNU Editor: The Saudis have thrown in the towel .... Saudi Arabia's new Yemen strategy: get behind a fence (Daily Mail/Reuters) .... but I expect this to be temporary. Yemen is a majority Sunni country that will not be looking favorably to what has transpired in the capital with Shiite Houthis in control. I will expect them to increase military/economic aid to the Sunni tribes in the rest of the country, and I will not be surprised if Al Qaeda starts to receive "more assistance" from their supporters in the Gulf States and elsewhere. As for U.S. policy .... time to tear up that playbook.

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