Sabtu, 24 Januari 2015

Why Greece Needs to Change

Theopi Skarlatos, BBC: Greece election: Love in a time of crisis

WNU Editor: While reading this BBC post on the crisis in Greece, I came across this ....

.... A doctor, Georgia, explains how she also works as an escort in the sex industry to support her family.

Her private clinic currently treats three patients a week, but the peak summer season in the sex industry enables her to keep up with the rental payments on her family's home and the healthcare bills for her elderly parents.

"I live a double life and only I can know about it," she says. "I have applied for jobs in medicine abroad and wait every day in hope of a reply."

When women doctors are forced to prostitute themselves to survive .... that is when you know that your system deserves to be thrown out.

Greeks are going to the polls tomorrow, and while the front runner is a former communist who has vowed to challenge and change the system ... I am still pessimistic that anything will change in the short to medium term. The economic and social problems are too deep .... and it will probably take ten to twenty years to sort itself out .... and even longer to change the culture of corruption and abuse that has rooted itself into the very fabric of government (from the bureaucrats to their political masters) that caused this mess in the first place.

Update: I must be channeling Zero Hedge ... he also read the above BBC post. Tyler Durden  vents on Europe and on Greece .... he is angry, and if you have ten minutes to spare .... read his post .... A Bunch Of Criminals (Zero Hedge).

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