Kamis, 15 Januari 2015

The Islamic State Is Being Hit Hard By Falling Oil Prices

Robert Beckhusen, War Is Boring: Oil Prices Are Dropping Like a Rock—And Hitting Islamic State

Update #1: CTC Perspectives: The Impact of Crude’s Collapse on the Islamic State -- Combating Terrorism Center
Update #2: How Effective Are The Attacks On Islamic State Oil Production? -- OilPrice.com

My Comment: The Islamic State became a formidable force before they got involved in the oil business .... so that is why today .... oil must be just a bonus to them. But it is true that when oil was around $100/barrel .... Islamic State leaders probably developed plans and strategies based on the amount of money that they could bring in from their oil revenues .... plans that are probably "dead" right now ... hence the rumors of money problems .... Does the 'Islamic State' have financial problems? (Deutsche Welle). But even with low oil prices .... I do not see the Islamic State curtailing their operations .... they are fighting wars on multiple fronts .... and for the moment it appears that oil is just one source of revenue among many for them .... and maybe not even the primary one.

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