Kamis, 15 Januari 2015

Saudi Arabia Decides To Build A Wall On Its Border To Keep Out The Islamic State

A member of the Saudi border guards force stands guard next to a fence on Saudi Arabia's northern borderline with Iraq. July 14, 2014. Photo by Reuters

Washington Times: Saudi Arabia building 600-mile ‘Great Wall’ to keep out Islamic State

WNU Editor: Saudi Arabia criticized Israel when they built their wall to keep out Palestinian terrorists a decade ago .... and now they are building one themselves. If you live long enough .... you can see all the contradictions that life can bring.

More News On Saudi Arabia Deciding To Build A Wall On Its Border To Keep Out The Islamic State

Saudi Arabia Is Building A 600-Mile 'Great Wall' To Shield Itself From ISIS -- Business Insider/The Telegraph
Saudis invest in wall at Iraq border -- UPI
Saudi Arabia building high-tech fence to secure border with Iraq -- Haaretz
The Great Wall of Saudi Arabia: Kingdom plans to build 600-mile barrier from Jordan to Kuwait in response to the threat of an invasion by ISIS -- Daily Mail
The Great Wall of Saudi Arabia? -- CSM
Saudi Arabia Building 600-Mile-Long Wall Along Iraqi Border -- Sputnik
Saudi Arabia to build fence on border with Iraq -- RT

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