Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Kosovo Rocked By Riots And Sectarian Tensions

Reuters: Police, protesters fight running battles in Kosovo

WNU Editor: Kosovo is poor and corrupt .... made worse by sectarian tensions. If it was not for the presence of a 5,000-strong NATO peacekeeping force backed by hundreds of EU police officers stationed in Kosovo to encourage the rule of law .... the entire country would now be engulfed in warfare and ethnic cleansing.

More News On The Growing Unrest In Kosovo

Kosovo Police Use Tear Gas to Clear Anti-Gov't Protesters -- AP
Kosovo police clash with crowd at protest over minister -- BBC
Police and protesters clash in ‘worst Kosovo unrest’ since 2008 breakaway -- Euronews
Kosovo Unrest Leaves 37 Injured, Including 22 Policemen -- VOA
80 injured in Kosovo riot over jibe by ethnic Serb minister -- AFP
Tear gas at Kosovo rally demanding minister resign over war victims comment -- RT

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