Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

Israeli Mossad Report: New Iran Sanctions Bill In The U.S. Congress Will End Nuclear Negotiations With Iran

Mossad director Tamir Pardo (L) confers with Shin Bet chief Yoram Cohen. (photo credit:REUTERS)

Eli Lake & Josh Rogin, Bloomberg: Israeli Mossad Goes Rogue, Warns U.S. on Iran Sanctions

WNU Editor: Is Mossad gong rogue? Mossad is not in the habit of leaking their reports, and while I do know that in the past Netanyahu has had his differences with Israel's intelligence/military community .... would they go to this extent to undermine him .... something is missing here.

More News On Leaked Mossad Report That New Iranian Sanctions From The U.S. Congress Will End All Nuclear Talks

Report: Mossad broke rank with Netanyahu, warned U.S. against Iran sanctions -- Haaretz
Report: Mossad undermines Netanyahu support for new US sanctions on Iran -- YNET News
Report: Mossad undercuts Netanyahu, warns US Congress against more Iran sanctions -- Jerusalem Post
Report: Mossad asked US not to impose sanctions on Iran -- Israel Hayom
In Split from Netanyahu, Mossad Warns US Lawmakers against Iranian Sanctions Bill -- Breaking Israel News
Report: Mossad opposes new sanctions against Iran, in opposition to the PM's stand -- Israeli Defense

Update: Breaking: Full statement from Mossad head on Iran

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