Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Former Top U.S. Generals: Current U.S. Policy Makes ISIS, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan Wars Unwinnable

Retired U.S. Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis, left, testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday.

U.S. News And World Report: Absence of White House Strategy Makes ISIS, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan Wars Unwinnable

Victory in military campaigns against the Islamic State group, the Taliban, the Haqqanis and others means nothing without concrete plans, retired top commanders say.

Update #1: Retired generals: U.S. set for failure in Iraq and Syria without clear strategy -- Washington Post
Update #2: Former U.S. Military Leaders Outline Extremist Threat -- USNI News

WNU Editor: Hundreds of billions spent, thousands of lives lost, destruction on a massive scale, coupled with the rise of extremist groups and bloody sectarian divisions throughout the Middle East .... yup .... current U.S. war policies and strategies are not working. What is needed now is a debate on who and what the enemy is, define it, and then determine if it is in our national security interests to confront it. Absent that .... nothing is going to change but make a horrible situation even worse.

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