Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Former Top Pentagon Spy: President Obama Is Paralyzed By Radical Islam

Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Defense Department

Kimberly Dozier, Daily Beast: Spy General Unloads on Obama’s ISIS War Plan

Former DIA Chief Michael Flynn likens the fight against Islamic militants to the Cold War and calls for an international chain of command akin to that of the Allies in World War II.

Update #1: Gen. Michael Flynn: ISIS Demands Soviet-era, All-out Fight -- Newsmax
Update #2: Former Defense Intel Chief Blasts Obama -- Weekly Standard

WNU Editor: Thomas Ricks sums it up best .... former DIA Chief Michael Flynn joins a growing list of former top intelligence and military leaders who are frustrated with President Obama's war strategy, and they are making their opinions well known but only after leaving their jobs.

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