Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

Doomsday Clock Settings To Change Tomorrow?

Daily Mail: Is the end of the world nigh? Atomic scientists set to make 'major announcement' about Doomsday Clock

* Symbolic clock was established by Manhattan Project scientists in 1947
* It's designed to show how close civilisation is to facing global catastrophe
* Scientists track threats by monitoring nuclear weapons and climate change
* The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) will host a live international news conference to make a 'major announcement' on Thursday
* Expected to reveal the board's decision regarding the clock's minute hand
* Last time, Doomsday Clock minute hand moved was in January 2012, when it was pushed ahead one minute from six to five minutes before midnight
* Nuclear modernisation, climate change reports and terrorism could feature

WNU Editor: They are going to push it to 4 minutes before midnight.

More News On The Doomsday Clock

Closer to Self-Destruction? Doomsday Clock Could Move Tomorrow -- Live Science
Will Doomsday Clock hand move forward again? Major announcement set for this week -- IBTimes
''Doomsday Clock'' minute hand to move again? -- Domain-B
Will the Doomsday Clock tick down to destruction tomorrow? -- The Week
Scientists May Be About To Wind The Doomsday Clock Forward To Its Most Critical Level Since The Height Of The Cold War -- Business Insider

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