Senin, 26 Januari 2015

Are US Military Boots On The Ground In Ukraine?

From Zero Hedge: Amid the devastation of yesterday's Mariupol artillery strikes which killed or wounded dozens, which was promptly blamed by both sides on the "adversary" - and has been proclaimed by both 'sides' (more on that later) as more violent than before the truce - an 'odd' clip has emerged that appears to provide all the 'proof' a US intelligence officer would need to surmise that US military boots are on the ground in Ukraine. As the following clip shows, a Ukrainian journalist approaches what she thinks is a Ukrainian soldier (since he is wearing a Ukrainian military uniform and is carrying an AK) and asked him as they run through the battlezone, "tell me, what happened here?" His response, which requires no translation, speaks for itself.

Forward to 2:36 for the 'Ukrainian' soldier's response:

Update #1: American Soldiers Caught on Tape in Mariupol, Ukraine? -- Sputnik
Update #2: Military-clad English-speakers caught on camera in Mariupol shelling aftermath -- RT

WNU Editor: This clip is making the rounds on Russian media and in social media as proof that U.S. military personnel are involved in the Ukraine conflict .... as to what's my take .... so he spoke good English (at least in that one sentence) .... it does not necessarily mean that he is a U.S. soldier/mercenary/intelligence operative. I should know ... because that soldier could have been me. Russian is my first language, Ukrainian is second, English is my third, French is my fourth, and I know a little Chinese and Korean. I have been speaking English since I was ten years old .... good teachers, private lessons, demanding parents, etc. .... if you hear my English today you would think that I was either from Canada or from the U.S. .... you would never "paint me" as someone whose nationality is Russian ... until I start speaking Russian. And I am not the only one who can speak colloquial English .... there are many other Russians and Ukrainians who can do the same. My weakness is writing in English .... which is one of the reasons why I started this blog in the first place .... to practice my English. As to my French .... sadly .... even though I now live in the french province of Quebec in Canada .... it is still a work in progress .... but I am getting there.

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