Jumat, 23 Januari 2015

A Look AT The The 5 Weapon Systems That The U.S. Will Deploy Against Iran In The Event Of An Armed Conflict

B-2 Spirit: $2.4 billion
The B-2 bomber was so costly that Congress cut its initial 1987 purchase order from 132 to 21. (A 2008 crash leaves the current number at 20.) The B-2 is hard to detect via infrared, acoustic, electromagnetic, visual or radar signals. This stealth capability makes it able to attack enemy targets with less fear of retaliation. In use since 1993, the B-2 has been deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Zachary Keck, National Interest: 5 U.S. Weapons of War Iran Should Fear

WNU Editor: Of all of the weapons that are listed .... the B-2 is the weapon system that all countries should be fearful of. Interestingly .... in the even of a conflict with Iran, Israel only has the GBU-57A/B Massive Ordnance Penetrator in its arsenal.

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