Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

'The Lynchpins Have Been Pulled'

This one comes from Gulag Bound and is worth reading. Just remember, this is all about paving the road into the Tribulation and the reign of the biblical figure known as the antichrist:

History is repeating itself and it would seem, in the end, we have learned precious little.

The Leftists pushed for it and set the world on fire. Their hope was to reform the world closer to their Marxist heart’s desire. And in many ways they have. But this fat lady is just warming up and George Soros is singing backup.

Next came a financial crisis that the globalists try to hide in plain sight from the masses while it unfolds just as they have planned.

 For every person hired, 5 are now dropping out of the workforce. And as people fight to survive, line up for jobs and quietly go hungry behind closed doors, Obama parties in Hawaii on our 4 million dollars in tax money. Talk about inequality. America seems to have indeed gone Galt.

China is no longer buying our debt. 

We are buying our own debt and printing money to create the illusion of prosperity for Wall Street. Our vaults at the Fed and Ft. Knox are almost assuredly empty. Last year, Germany, sensing something was not right with their gold, asked for it back from the US. They were told it would take 7 years to return it all, which is your first alarm bell. This year, we were to return 70 tons of gold and returned less than half (37.5 tons) of this first installment. Worse yet, it did not have their stamp when returned. It had been melted down and returned with the lame excuse of storage requirements. Right. Through rehypothecation, our banks have sold the gold over and over again to each other. And now, they have sold the actual assets and are hiding the fact. The US is bankrupt and soon the people we owe will come knocking. Some of those people, make the mob look like kiddies and they will blame all Americans for this. It’s coming.

Our national debt is now over 17 trillion with no slowing down or end in sight and our politicians are just fine with that. We are far past the point of being able to pay off the debt and just how do you think that will end? Obamacare was one of the doomsday lynchpins. It will continue to spiral out of control and take the economy ever downward along with the other entitlement programs. Only a very few in Congress are trying to reverse it. Politicians on both sides of the aisle want it for their own reasons: wealth, power and cheap labor, as well as a voting class to keep the Marxists in power forever.

The final financial lynchpin will be Amnesty if it goes through. At this point, I believe it will and that would be the last nail in America’s coffin. Millions of illegals will bring millions more across our borders, providing voters for the Left and violence, chaos and poverty for our streets. Obama means it when he speaks of equality – he will sink America into a third world status with poverty and misery for all but the elite. His comrades will be exempted and live in luxury though. It’s the communist way. Corruption will become widespread and common. In short, life will be hell in the trenches and it is not only the Democrats who are bringing this to America… you can thank the Republican Progressives on the right and the likes of the Chamber of Commerce for this nightmare.

The communists have become so emboldened, they have ripped their masks off and are pushing their doctrine as mainstream to the public. Here are some of the things they have accomplished since 1963:
  • Capture one or both political parties. Check.
  • Do away with all loyalty oaths. Check.
  • Use the courts to weaken American institutions by claiming their actions violate civil rights. Check.
  • Get control of the schools. Weaken the curriculum. Get control of the teacher’s unions. Check.
  • Infiltrate the press and gain control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures. Check.
  • Eliminate all good sculptures from parks and government buildings. Substitute shapeless and meaningless forms. Check.
  • Eliminate all laws governing obscenity, calling them violations of free speech. Check.
  • Present homosexuality and promiscuity as normal and healthy. Check.
  • Infiltrate the churches and discredit the Bible. Check.
  • Eliminate prayers and religious expression in the schools. Check.
  • Discredit the Constitution and Founding Fathers. Working on that.
  • Transfer arrest powers from police to social agencies. Check.
  • Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders. Check.
  • Use mental health laws to dominate and gain control over opponents. Check.
  • Discredit the family as an institution. Check.

During the summit, which marks the European Council's first defense meeting in five years, member states agreed to a “strategic reassessment” in mid-2015 to measure progress on all four defense-capability areas promoted by the European Defense Agency (EDA) as ripe for collaboration.
“These are projects on which we can work now,” EU President Herman Van Rompuy said in remarks following the meeting.

Under the auspices of the EDA, in November France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain established a MALE UAV user community to exchange information and best practices. Under a separate EDA initiative, eight European countries—including Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, France, Italy and the U.K.—have pooled €50 million ($68 million) collectively to research integration of UAVs into European airspace.

In the area of satellite communications, five countries are joining to form a users group with the goal of developing a roadmap for preparing the next-generation of European communications satellites.
Germany, Spain, France, Italy and U.K. currently operate their own military communications satellite systems, a number of which are slated to reach the end of their service life in the next few years.
“A roadmap has been proposed on preparing the next generation of satellite communications, and for closer cooperation between the member states, but we're not there at the moment, where we have defined the requirements and the targets,” the Commission aide said.

In the area of air-to-air refueling, the council welcomed progress achieved to date, which last year saw nine EU countries plus Norway sign a letter of intent for considering pooled acquisition of a tanker aircraft. Led by the Netherlands, the new aircraft—possibly a Multirole Tanker Transport based on the Airbus A330—would be available for European users in 2020, the aide said.

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