Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

More News:

The evolving situation in Lebanon isn't the only item in the news today:

The first article is definitely an "attention grabber", but some of the content is interesting and unexpected:

World facing 'global burnout syndrome'

The world is suffering from “global burnout syndrome” and is too weak to tackle the web of interrelated threats facing businesses and governments, the head of the World Economic Forum said on Wednesday.

The Davos meeting, protected by beefed-up Swiss security which includes the closing of local airspace, is the world’s top networking event, allowing bankers and CEOs to rub shoulders with presidents and prime ministers, and to cut deals.

In a report last week, the WEF identified three interrelated nexuses of risks — economic, such as fiscal, trade and currency problems; raw materials, particularly the impact of rising energy costs and dwindling water supplies on food prices; and illegal trade, corruption and failed states.

But Greenhill said it will try to help with the complex of threats by launching a “global risk response network” bringing together company risk officers and government policy-makers.

That alone is interesting. A "global risk response network"?

Next we see further losses of our basic freedoms, and yet another step towards the Mark of the Beast:

Are You Ready For The Universal Internet ID?

The Obama administration is developing a "universal Internet ID" program that would watch, track, monitor and potentially control your activity on the Internet.

But is a universal Internet ID that is issued and controlled by the U.S. government really a good idea?

...how long do you think it would take for the Department of Homeland Security (along with several dozen other government agencies) to get involved in "administering" these "trusted identities"?

The potential for government abuse of such a system is absolutely staggering. As we have seen so many times over the past few years, when you give government bureaucrats an inch, often they end up taking several miles.

In addition, it would only be a matter of time before this universal Internet ID becomes "a de facto national ID".

In fact, it is not hard to imagine that "in the name of security" Americans would soon be required to link the universal Internet ID to biometric information or even link it to a microchip implant of some sort.

Indeed. What we are seeing now is a matter of "stepping stones" - one at a time. And with every step, we move closer and closer to having a single, universal ID for every endeavor in life, and such steps move us closer to the ultimate "identification", also known as the Mark of the Beast. It seems just around the corner.

Next, we see the continuing progress towards identifying an independent "PA State":

America, Russia implicitly recognize Palestinian state

The United States and Russia on Tuesday followed the example of a growing number of South American countries by taking steps to openly recognize a Palestinian Arab state on the ancient Jewish lands of Judea and Samaria.

Speaking to the press in Jericho during his visit to the Palestinian Authority, Russian President Dimitry Medvedev noted that Russia had already recognized a Palestinian state when Yasser Arafat first declared independence in 1988.

Palestinian officials declared Medvedev’s remarks to be “historic” and graciously thanked Russia for joining the chorus of voice recognizing a Palestinian Arab state in the absence of a peace agreement with Israel.

Hours later, the Obama Administration allowed the Palestinians to raise their flag over the Palestinian Authority diplomatic mission in Washington for the first time ever, symbolically transforming the location into a national embassy.

Voicing the concern of many, including many in Israel, Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Florida) noted that “raising this flag in DC is part of the Palestinian leadership’s scheme to manipulate international acceptance and diplomatic recognition of a yet-to-be-created Palestinian state, while refusing to directly negotiate with Israel, or accept the existence of Israel as a democratic, Jewish state.

Also worth watching:

Yellowstone Has Bulged as Magma Pocket Swells

Yellowstone National Park's supervolcano just took a deep "breath," causing miles of ground to rise dramatically, scientists report.

"It's an extraordinary uplift, because it covers such a large area and the rates are so high," said the University of Utah's Bob Smith, a longtime expert in Yellowstone's volcanism.

Studies of the surge, he added, may offer valuable clues about what's going on in the volcano's subterranean plumbing, which may eventually help scientists predict when Yellowstone's next volcanic "burp" will break out.

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