Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Egyptian Violence Spreads

Egyptian protests intensify, as clashes spread across the Middle East

Egyptian police have been fighting protesters in intensifying clashes, and demonstrations have reported from Yemen and Gabon – a sign that defiance against authoritarian rulers in the Middle East is spreading.

Security forces shot dead a Bedouin protester in Egypt's Sinai region on Thursday, bringing the death in the three days of protests to five. Police in Suez fired rubber bullets, water cannon and tear gas at hundreds of demonstrators calling for an end to the 30-year-old rule of Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president.

Protesters chucked rocks and petrol bombs at police lines. In Ismailia, hundreds of protesters clashed with police, who dispersed the crowds with tear gas.

Tomorrow promises to be most violent day so far:

Egyptian Nobel laureate Mohamed ElBaradei announced on Thursday he was returning to Egypt to join the protests. "Tomorrow is going to be, I think, a major demonstration all over Egypt and I will be there with them," he said. Mr Baradei, who won the Nobel peace prize for his work as head of the UN's nuclear agency, called on Mr Mubarak to leave office, saying "he has served the country for 30 years and it is about time for him to retire."

Protests against Egyptian president spread

Web activists called for mass protests across Egypt on Friday to end President Hosni Mubarak's three-decade rule after protesters clashed with security forces late into the night in the eastern city of Suez.

Emboldened by this month's revolt in Tunisia that toppled its long-serving leader, Egyptians have staged mass protests since Tuesday in an unprecedented outburst of anger against Mubarak's strong-handed rule

And we also see another warning about Islamic radicals exploiting this situation - a factor that would represent the biggest threat to Israel:

The United States, Egypt's close ally and major aid donor, is concerned Islamic radicals could exploit continuing anger.

The EU Observer considers this situation in light of the breaking news regarding the Mediterranean Union:

Mediterranean Union chief resigns as Egypt unrest continues

The secretary general of the Union for the Mediterranean has announced his resignation, highlighting the institution's shaky foundations and apparent inability to tackle key issues in the region, including the ongoing political tension in northern Africa.

Jordanian diplomat Ahmad Khalef Masadeh's decision to step down on Wednesday (26 January) co-incided with a second day of Tunisia-inspired protests in Egypt, leaving at least four dead as police tried to disperse the thousands of activists who flooded the streets of Cairo, demanding an end to the 30-year rule of President Hosni Mubarak.

Made up of the EU's 27 member states and 16 Mediterranean countries from north Africa, the Middle East and the Balkans, the union was launched in 2008 with the purpose of promoting stability and prosperity in the Mediterranean region.

The union's silence over the dramatic events in Tunisia and Egypt recently have prompted further existential questions over its role.

The rest of the article points out how this situation of "unrest" and rioting may be spreading within the region:

Protests continued for a second day on Wednesday in Cairo and other Egyptian cities after the ousting of Tunisia's former autocratic ruler, Zein al-Abidine Ben Ali, inspired calls for regime change in other north African countries and as far afield as Yemen.

The Egyptian government has said the protests are illegal, launching a crackdown and arresting some 700 people. Police beat protesters with batons and fired tear gas, reports say. In the eastern city of Suez protesters set fire to parts of a government building and attacked the headquarters of the ruling National Democratic Party.

Witnesses say the protests are unlikely to fade away, with more expected to join the crowds once the working week finishes on Thursday. "We've started and we won't stop," one demonstrator told AFP.

It seems that more and more countries are experiencing major unrest. It wasn't long ago that Greece was in the news with riots taking place in the streets. Then Tunisia, followed by Lebanon and now Egypt. From this article it may also spread into Africa and Yemen.

This situation even involves the EU, as their policies are now being questioned:

The unrest in the Maghreb has put a question mark over the EU's policy toward the area, with regimes such as Mr Ben Ali's in Tunisia having enjoyed the support of many southern EU states over the past decade.

Interestingly and somewhat unexpectedly, we are watching the Middle East erupting with internal conflict. Unfortunately, many, if not all of these countries were experiencing relative stability, at least as far as Israel is concerned. Any change is most likely to result in administrations not nearly as favorable to Israel. That alone should generate some interest in this evolving situation.

Perhaps of greater interest, at least to this prophecy watcher - is this recurrent thought that the world is so ripe for a leader who can seemingly conquer these various and growing world-wide problems which include the financial crisis, the approaching famine problem, the ongoing conflicts and array of potential wars, and of course the ever present fear of terrorist groups obtaining nuclear weapons. That just mentions a few of today's problems.

One cannot help but wonder when he will make his move. This is a moot point to a Christian however, as the scriptures indicate that we'll be in New Jerusalem before he confirms the covenant - that act which serves to define his identity.

All of these events are closing in rapidly. The battle of Gog-MaGog, God making His presence known, the beginning of the Tribulation and the rise of the antichrist. These things are just around the corner - the signs are unambiguous. It is time to remain in prayer as much as possible, especially for those who are unsaved. There is still time, but that door is closing rapidly.

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