Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

Boiling Point in September?

The Jerusalem Post is carrying a very interesting story today and contains new information:

Diskin: Sept. will be a 'boiling point' for Palestinian ties

September will constitute a crucial junction for Israeli- Palestinian relations, Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) chief Yuval Diskin told MKs Tuesday during a regular briefing of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

The month “will be a boiling point,” the Shin Bet head warned, since at that time, the Palestinians intend to call on the United Nations to recognize Palestinian statehood.

“It doesn’t mean that that is what will happen, but that is the goal that they have placed before themselves. If it happens, it will place us in a problematic situation,” Diskin explained.

To respond to that situation, Diskin asserted that “Israel needs to create a situation in which there is a border, border crossings and Border Police between us and the Palestinians, even if it is a temporary and unrecognized border.”

This is beginning to sound like the proverbial "self-fulfilling prophecy". If Israel recognizes these mythical borders with "border police", then aren't they effectively conceding such borders?

As September approaches, he added, Hamas’s terror infrastructure in the West Bank, and particularly in the Hebron area, is likely to step up activities targeting Israelis.

Now the article gets to the overall strategy involved in this effort:

The Palestinian move to gain unilateral recognition of statehood is, according to Diskin, “a weak point for Israel, and the Palestinian Authority takes advantage of that and tries to create challenges for Israel mostly through delegitimization, legal proceedings, economic boycotts and controlled diplomatic tensions.”

He added that “this process is gaining momentum because the Palestinians have recognized gaps between Israel and the United States, and ‘export’ their struggle to the international community.”

In Jerusalem, Diskin said, lines between where Israeli authority ends and Palestinian authority begins are becoming increasingly blurred.

As the same time, we see this:

Abbas calls on Quartet to pressure Israel

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday urged the Quartet members, who are scheduled to meet in Munich next month, to issue decisions that would oblige Israel to return to the negotiating table with the Palestinians.

Abbas, who was speaking during a joint press conference in Jericho with visiting Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, said there were only two options: Negotiations or violence and terrorism.

Make no mistake about it, the quote above represents a thinly veiled threat.

The two men also discussed the impasse in the peace talks and the possibility that Russia, as a member of the Quartet, would play an active role in the peace process, Abbas said. The Quartet, which is made up of the US, EU, Russia and UN, is scheduled to meet next on February 5 in Munich.

Medvedev said at the press conference that the Russian position toward the issue of recognizing a Palestinian state hadn’t changed.

He pointed out that the Soviet Union had recognized the PLO declaration of statehood in 1988.

“The Russian position hasn’t changed, as I’ve told the president,” he said. “Russia has made its choice long ago, at the end of the ’80s. We supported and will support the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to create its own state, which is independent, territorially integral and with a capital in east Jerusalem.”

Russia (aka the land of MaGog) is becoming more and more involved in the affairs in and around Israel. Interesting that such activity is now occurring after the huge gas and oil findings in Israel. Russia's interest in Israel will continue, right up until the time that they lead a coalition to invade Israel. The alliances called for in Ezekiel 38 are already in place - now its just a matter time.

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