Jumat, 28 Januari 2011


There are so many updates circulating right now, it is hard to keep up.

Here are a few briefs that are both current and provide the most germane news:

Military takeover in Egypt aired as army holds fire against curfew violators

The possibility of the military taking control of the regime on the back of the popular uprising to end Hosni Mubarak's 30-year rule was actively discussed Friday night, Jan. 28, after security forces failed to control anti-government riots for four days.

Protesters in Cairo, Alexandria and Suez ignored the nationwide curfew imposed until 0700 Saturday and the soldiers who were called in to enforce it held their fire. Protesters overturning and burning security forces vehicles welcomed the military APCs.

The transfer of rule to the military even for an interim period would shake the entire Middle East to its foundations. The US stands to lose its senior Arab ally, whereas a new government in Cairo might modify or abandon Egypt's epic 1979 peace treaty with Israel and turn away from the close relations between the two governments.

Its almost a guarantee that a new government is unlikely to recognize the peace treaty with Israel. Its all coming together now, prophetically.

Egyptian protesters tried to storm the foreign ministry in Cairo Friday night, Jan. 28 in defiance of nationwide curfew imposed on the capital, Alexandria and Suez, until 0700 hours Saturday. President Hosni Mubarak called in the army to back the security forces facing swelling numbers of protesters and enforce the curfew.

Gunshots were heard near the parliament and thousands of protesters remained out in the streets. At least 10 people were killed and more than a thousand wounded in Cairo during the day. In Suez, 13 are reported dead, 75 injured.

The protesters later set fire to parliament, the national museum and the ruling National Democratic Party whose offices were later looted.
Some soldiers and policemen instead of confronting the rioters reportedly shed their uniforms and joined them.

Finally, and as expected, we see the Muslim brotherhood making their presence known.

During the day in Cairo, the protesters' ranks swelled to tens of thousands when Muslim worshippers poured out of the mosques, many heading for the Nile bridges and fighting to cross over to the government district and Tahrir (Liberation) Square on the other side. Security forces firing rubber bullets and tear gas, using water cannons and charging them with batons, injured hundreds but failed to halt the current.

Mubarak: "There will be a new government tomorrow"

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak made his first public statement since anti-government protests began four days ago. He said he is aware of the problems faced by Egyptian people, called for order and announced that the government will be replaced on Saturday.

"In my capacity as president of the republic, I always stressed and continue to reiterate that sovereignty belongs to the people." However, he continued, "There is a fine line separating freedom from chaos."

The head of the Egyptian opposition Wafd party on Friday called for a period of transitional rule in Egypt, new parliamentary elections and amendments to the constitution limiting presidential terms, Reuters reported.

As protests continued into the night, Egyptian authorities were reportedly holding talks to establish a "transitional government," following the series of deadly protests against President Hosni Mubarak's regime.

An even more recent update (5:55 EST) is now in:

Egypt's Mubarak fires Cabinet but refuses to resign

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on early Saturday said he had ordered the Cabinet to resign and said he would name a new one 'tomorrow'.

Egypt plunged into chaos on Friday when tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Cairo and other major cities to demand the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak. Some of them clashed with security forces, killing at least 20 people and injuring more than 1,100 others.

The Egyptian leader, who has ruled the African nation since October 1981, said he would name a new Cabinet 'tomorrow' but gave no indication if he was referring to Saturday or Sunday.


Number of dead rises to 18, 13 in Suez, in Egypt protests

The number of people killed in the latest day of anti-government protests in Egypt rose to 18 on Friday, with 13 people killed in the port city of Suez, al-Jazeera reported.

Nearly 20 people were also reportedly injured in the protests in Suez, with over 900 people injured throughout the country.

Earlier, five people were confirmed dead in protests in Cairo.

As night fell, several government officials and businessmen fled Egypt in private jets, reported Reuters.

Meanwhile, Egyptian authorities were reportedly holding talks to establish a "transitional government," following the series of deadly protests against President Hosni Mubarak's regime.

Earlier Friday, Egyptian state television said Mubarak imposed a curfew on Cairo, Alexandria, and Suez after violent demonstrations there.

Egypt's military was also deployed on the streets of Cairo for the first time since the protests began four days ago.

Parts of the ruling party headquarters in Cairo were going up in flames apparently set by enraged protesters demanding Mubarak's ouster.

Mubarak has not said yet whether he will stand for another six-year term as president in elections this year. He has never appointed a deputy and is thought to be grooming his son Gamal to succeed him despite popular opposition. According to leaked US memos, hereditary succession also does not meet with the approval of the powerful military.

This situation is evolving rapidly. More to follow - that much is certain.

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